Chapter 40

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The four of them walked down the street, blending in among the festivities. Luna was very thankful that she had found cloaks for the all of them when she had gone shopping for her Halloween supplies. While she didn't doubt that they could have hidden without the cloaks, it allowed them to walk though the more crowded areas and therefore hopefully find a car to hotwire sooner. It also helped keep everyone warm, she had no idea cloaks could be so cozy.

They had put any spare clothes and money in Luna's backpack, which she was currently carrying, and then divided into groups as to hopefully move quicker, although they were still within sight of each other. Luna was pared with Obi-Wan, while Anakin was, of course, paired with Padmé.

When the two groups next met up, they had made it to a parking lot that was practically abandoned and had a few cars scattered around.

"Do you have any idea of how we would hotwire a car?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Um.... Pop the hood and play with wires?" Luna suggested as she peered through the window and tried the door. It didn't bug. "I've never tried to do grand theft auto before. Honestly, I was hoping Anakin could figure it out."


"Well, I can try," Anakin replied he started towards the car, and froze. He had felt the Force tug at him. He quickly looked at Obi-Wan.

"I don't believe we are going to need the car," Obi-Wan said, having had felt it too. Understanding blossomed on Padmé's face. Luna looked at the three of them, before she understood.

"The Force is bringing you back," Luna said, her voice going quiet in disappointment. She doubted that it meant that the Force would bring her along. Almost as if reading her mind, Anakin grabbed her arm, and not a moment too soon.

The Force swept the four of them up and they went through the weird tunnel, ending up in an unfermilulare hallway that had windows to the outside. Anakin looked around trying to figure out where they were. Luna answered his question before he could even think to ask if she knew.

"Oh my Force!! We're on Bespin," Luna said amazed as she began to jump up and down despite her leg, beaming. Everyone looked at her. Just as quickly as her excitement that she was on a different planet came to her, it disappeared, her expression turned to worried. "Sith, we're on Bespin."

"That isn't good is it?" Anakin asked her, figuring he already knew the answer.

"Depends, Anakin, can you sense a dark presence? Obi-Wan don't try, he'll recognize you if he's here."

Anakin did as he was told, and his stomach dropped as he sensed an unmistakably dark and cold presence. A Sith.

"Yes," he said. Luna didn't skip a beat.

"How about a light one? Are the two together?"

"Yeah, there is a really bright presence," Anakin muttered. He was surprised at how bright whoever it was through the Force. "The two aren't together, but they're getting closer to each other."

Luna nodded, before looking out one of the windows, smiling as she saw what landing pad they were close to. They could easily meet up with Leia, Chewie, and Lando, not to mention possibly rescue Han from Boba Fett.

"Do you know what's happening?" Obi-Wan asked when Luna didn't seem to be saying anything else.

"Of course, I know this story like the back of my hand. I know exactly where we are and what's going on," Luna said.

And because of that, there was no way in the nine Corellian hells that she wasn't going to at least try to help Luke. But she couldn't bring any of the other three with her because Obi-Wan and Padmé were supposed to be dead, and Anakin was, well, Anakin.

"See that ship over there?" Luna asked, pointing at the landing pad through the window.

"Yeah, looks like Slave I," Anakin said.

"That's because it is. We're, like, twenty-two years in your future. Boba Fett will be loading someone frozen in carbonite onto it soon, you three need to try and stop him. There will be soldiers in clone like armor, they are the bad guys. Only use your lightsabers if you absolutely have to. Not long after Boba get's there, a woman, man, and wookie will show up with two droids. Go with them, say you are with the Alliance if they ask. The hyperdrive on the ship they will try to escape in deactivated, you'll need to ask the R2 unit to reactivate it. If the woman tells you to head to the bottom of Cloud City do it as quickly as you can. Don't wait for me, I'll should be able to get off myself."

"And what will you be doing?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Probably something very, very stupid. Anyone have a vibroblade?" Luna asked. Anakin handed her one wordlessly.

"And we should allow you to do this because?"

"Because, I know what's happening, and I have to try and stop it. You can't help, if anyone sees or senses any of you, besides the people I want you to go with, it'll be really bad," Luna replied. "Trust me on this."

"Let us at least take your bag," Padmé muttered. Luna nodded in agreement, relieving herself of her backpack.

"Right. See you at the rendezvous, I hope."

"What rendezvous?" Obi-Wan asked.

"You'll figure it out," Luna replied, waving off the question before turning and running the other direction as quickly as she could without putting herself in too much pain. She still winced with every step.

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