Chapter 59

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"We're doomed," Threepio whispered for the Maker-knew-how-manieth-time as he looked into the dimly lit throne room from the doorway. It was filled with bounty hunters, Jawas, humans, humanoids, and other creatures all drunk on whatever liquids and spice they found appealing and comparing Maker-knew-what to try and one up one another. In the front of it all, Jabba the Hutt reclined on a dais. Sitting near Jabba's belly was an odd monkey-like reptile called Salacious Crumb, who, as the name somewhat suggested, caught and ate all the food that either did not make it all the way, or came out of, Jabba's mouth. And chained to this galactic gangster was....

"Princess Leia!" Threepio cried in surprise, finding none other than Leia herself dressed in the skimpy costume of a dancing girl and chained to the disgusting Hutt by the neck. She was currently glaring at the Hutt and sitting as far away from Jabba as her chain would allow.

Threepio, of course, had no idea of how Leia had ended up where she was, but it was really quite simple. When Han, Chewie, Leia, and Padmé had been captured, Jabba had noticed Leia's beauty, missed Padmé's thanks to her hood, else the senator may have found herself in her daughter's position, and had taken it upon himself to enslave the Princess as a companion, forcing a kiss on the girl's lips not moments after the other three had been lead away before ordering her garments to be changed.

Needless to say, Leia was quite against this arrangement. Not only was she now enslaved to the vile gangster who wanted to kill Han, not know where her mother and friends were, dressed immodestly, but also was forced to nearly always have her bare back touching the slimmy Hutt and had to let him feed her.

On the bright side, Leia forcefully reminded herself, Padmé isn't the one in this position. It is only temporary. Luke and Anakin will come for us.

Therefore, when her eyes landed on the droids, more than a spark of hope entered her eyes. She had known, somehow, most likely the Force and the newly discovered bonds, that Luke and Anakin had arrived on planet, but to see proof through Artoo was relieving.

Artoo, on the other hand, was already mentally worrying about Master Ani's reaction to his daughter's current predicament and calculating how likely the plan would continue to go to plan with the possible complication of his master's temper while Threepio was still reeling back in shock.

While this was going on, Bib continued to his master's side, whispering in his ear. Jabba laughed and gestured for the droids to be brought in, something that both were hesitant to do as it went against their most deeply programed sensibilities to be in Jabba's presence.

The Hutt grumbled something.

"Hello," Threepio said, bowing while giving Artoo as much as a warning glance as possible.

Bib said something else to Jabba who grumbled in reply.

"The message, Artoo, the message," Threepio prompted, wanting nothing more than to get out of the Hutt's presence as quickly as possible. Leia watched, curious.

"Bo shuda," Jabba said.

Artoo let lose several beeps before he projected Luke's image in front of the Hutt. The hologram was larger than life, quickly becoming taller than the Jedi really was and towering over those present. The room grew quiet as Luke's giant presence made itself felt.

"Greetings, Exalted One," the hologram said. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight and friend of Captain Solo. I seek an audience with Your Greatness to bargain for his and my other friends' lives." There, Luke pause, allowing for laughter to rain throughout the room. Jabba quickly motioned for silence, which was good, considering Luke didn't pause long. "I know that you are powerful, mighty Jabba, and that your anger with Solo must be equally powerful. But I am sure we can work out an arrangement which will be mutually beneficial and allow us to avoid any unpleasant confrontations. As a token of my good will, I present to you a gift—these two droids," Luke said, briefly motioning towards Artoo and Threepio.

"What did he say?!" Threepio asked, startled and shocked.

"....Both are hard working and will serve you well," Luke finished before the hologram disappeared.

"This can't be! Artoo, your playing the wrong message!" Threepio said as Salacious began to laugh minically while Jabba chuckled. Leia continued to watch, staring at the droids as if watching them long enough would reveal Luke's plan to her.

"Bargain rather than fight? He is no Jedi," Bib commented to Jabba in Huttese. The Hutt nodded in agreement.

"There will be no bargain," Jabba said, speaking in Huttese. While he could speak Basic, it was a point of honor, the only point of honor he actually had, to only speak in Huttese. "I have no intention of letting Solo slip away unpunished or to lose my newest slave." At this, he jerked Leia's chain, forcing her closer to him and up against his belly, whereby he began to stroke her hair.

Father can't get here soon enough, Leia thought to herself as the two droids were lead away, momentarily surprising herself by calling Anakin Father.

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