Chapter 54

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"Okay, so you two get the Y-Wing, and I'll take my X-Wing,"

"Why can't I get my own ship?" Anakin asked right as Obi-Wan questioned, "Why can't he get his own ship?"

"I can only get two fighters, sorry," Luke replied apologetically. "Besides, anything else is relatively new and you'd both probably be more comfortable in something familiar."

Obi-Wan groaned: "No fancy flying."

"No promises," Anakin replied, smirking, glad to have found a way to lighten the mood and try to get his mind off of what might be happening to Padmé and Leia. He didn't have much of a problem with Obi-Wan flying in the ship with him, but Anakin knew that his old master would much prefer a different ship.

Besides, having Obi-Wan yelling profanities while Anakin was tightly maneuvering in battle could sometimes be a bit focus breaking when they were in the same cockpit. It wasn't anything Anakin couldn't handle, but it could occasionally become problematic.

At least they weren't supposed to be battling anything any time soon.

That, of course, didn't mean Anakin wasn't going to do some fun maneuvers just to get under Obi-Wan's skin on the way back to the fleet.

"Well, we'd better get going," Luke said as the three of them headed towards the ships.

"Where's Artoo?" Anakin asked. Luke shrugged.

"No clue, but he said he'd meet us at the ships. I'll need him to fly in any case."

"We will also need him if this crazy plan of yours is ever going to work," Obi-Wan muttered.

"Hey, I think it's a good plan," Luke said.

"Of course you do. Skywalkers and there insane ideas."

"Well, we could always improvise," Anakin suggested.

"No, no, no, thank you very much!" Obi-Wan exclaimed, putting his hands up in surrender. Father and son smirked.

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