Chapter 161

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There were very few things in the world—besides Luna—that could surprise Obi-Wan.

Having Commander Cody run up to him in the middle of a battle to tell him to get as far away from Utapau as fast as possible was one of them.

Obi-Wan shook his head at the thought. Cody had received Order 66, but apparently had decided to remove his chip while on the way to Utapau, allowing him to warn Obi-Wan before news got around. The Jedi alert had gone off just as Cody had reached him, which caused Cody to, despite the fact the Separatists were far from defeated, practically force Obi-Wan to leave reassuring the Jedi General that everything was under control.

It wasn't going to keep Obi-Wan from checking in as soon as he had landed at the Jedi base on Ilum....

Assuming he had managed to check in on Anakin by that point. Obi-Wan had heard that they had found Sidious and killed him on his way to the rendezvous, but a full briefing was being saved for the entire Council in person before informing the Order and the rest of the galaxy.

Apparently whoever Sidious was, it was important enough that however the public found out needed to be done the right way.

Either way, Obi-Wan had heard that Anakin had been injured.

So as soon as he had landed at the base, Obi-Wan had jumped out of his borrowed fighter, he'd taken Grievous's because it was the most readily available, and headed straight to the medcenter. A helpful Healer had pointed him in the right direction and it wasn't long before the Jedi Master had found his way to his friend's room.

Anakin himself was passed out on the bed. According to the Healer attending him, the Jedi Knight was recovering from electric shock and a lightsaber wound to the shoulder. They had apparently put him on some sort of drug to keep him knocked out for the trip to the base while they treated him.

Obi-Wan knew Anakin would be complaining as soon as he woke up.

However, the Jedi Master was surprised to note that Luna wasn't waiting in the room when the Jedi arrived. Obi-Wan would have thought she would have been waiting there with Anakin or out at the landing pad for the Jedi Master to arrive.

But the girl was nowhere to be found.

Perhaps Anakin dropped her off at Padmé before all of this craziness happened, Obi-Wan mused to himself.


Anakin slowly opened his eyes, blinking away the blurriness as his eyes began to adjust to the light surrounding him. He was laying on a bed, although his left shoulder still hurt.

It took him a few seconds to remember why.

Anakin bolted upright, gritting his teeth at the feedback from his shoulder, before moving to get off the bed. A firm hand on his uninjured shoulder stopped him.

"Calm down, Anakin. You're not allowed to get up." Anakin looked to the side to find Obi-Wan.

"No, I need—" Anakin started, only to be cut off.

"Anakin, you've been confined to bed rest until further notice."

"I'm fine."

"You got stabbed by a lightsaber."

"That doesn't mean I can't walk."


"Have you seen Luna?" Anakin asked, cutting his old master off, already knowing arguing was useless. Even if he got clearance from Obi-Wan, he'd still need to find a way past the Healers.

"Luna?" Obi-Wan asked surprised, frowning. "No. I was wondering if you left her—"

"She got hurt. Palpatine hit her with a blast of Force lightning."


Anakin just blinked dully at his surprised friend's face. "You didn't hear about that either, did you?"

"Palpatine is Sidious?!"


"How did.... What in the...."

"Can you check on her? I.... I think her heart stopped not long after we boarded.... The Healers drugged me right after. I think I remember her coming back but...." Anakin winced, trying to run through the unclear memories, even as he looked into the Force, gently tugging on the bond between Luna and himself. It was there, but it was weak. Too weak. "She's still alive, but...."

"I'll go and find out how she is right now."

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