Chapter 166

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Anakin looked around the corner. Satisfied with the lack of activity he flicked his hand forward before bolting across the landingpad with Luna hot on his heels. Making it to a speeder, they jumped in before shooting off of the pad as quickly as the accelerator could manage.

"Anakin, I know you love going fast, but that's way too sharp for an open cockpit!" Luna yelled over the wind as he leveled out the speeder, holding onto the seat with a death grip.

"Sorry," Anakin replied apologetically. "Just in a hurry."

"I am well aware. Please don't let that get us killed."

"Don't you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you. I just don't want to fall out...." Luna replied, even as she fumbled to put on the restraining straps. "Ships are way safer than speeders.... Okay, now you can be a crazy as you want."

"Good to know," Anakin replied with a mischievous smirk, quickly flipping the speeder over in a barrel roll just for fun. Luna let out a short scream before laughing as the speeder evened out.

"And I immediately regret saying that."

"No, you don't."

"Not going to answer," Luna replied, crossing her arms stubbornly as she tried to fight back a smile. Anakin just laughed as he mentally urged the speeder faster, not particularly caring that he was probably breaking every speeding law in existence.

It still wasn't fast enough.

A few minutes later, they pulled up at Padmé's apartment. The speeder hadn't even fully shut down before Anakin had jumped out. He didn't even take two steps before Padmé had raced up to him, locking him in a kiss. Anakin pulled her closer, soaking in her presence and warmth, purely relieved to be holding her in his arms again.

They only broke apart for air.

"Anakin, thank the Force you're home," Padmé cried, looking to be close to tears. Anakin pulled her close, gently kissing her cheek.

"I am, and I'm not going anywhere," he reassured her. "Sidious is gone, and the Code's been changed."

Padmé leaned into him. "I was so worried about you. Once I heard about Palpatine.... I still...."

"Can't believe it?" Anakin asked, shaking his head. "He had all of us fooled."

"Not all of us."

"Luna doesn't count."

"Speaking of Luna, where is she?" Padmé asked. "I heard she was there."

"Uh, you can hear her logic for that one," Anakin responded, glancing back to where Luna was. The girl quickly looked away, him having apparently caught her staring. Anakin just barely heard her quickly mumble something along the lines of I ship it.

"Luna, what are you doing? Come over here," Padmé called, reaching out a hand. The teen came over, only for the woman to pull her into the hug. Luna was too surprised to respond at first before deciding to just go with it, returning the embrace.

And for a moment everything just felt right.

A Long Time Ago, In a Galaxy Far AwayWhere stories live. Discover now