Chapter 38

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Anakin was one the lower floor of the house as he used the Force to listen in on what was going on. It sounded like that the men were planning to break into the house to try and see if Luna had somehow made it inside. Apparently they had noticed when she screamed. It didn't exactly bold that well to Anakin considering that, if they were smart, they would leave people outside of the house to make sure no one tried to escape. He figured that it wouldn't be too much of an issue, but he didn't exactly want to use the Force too much considering they wouldn't know what was going on. Then again, they not knowing what was going on might be a reason in itself to use the Force. Either way, Anakin and Luna were going to have to get out of the house, and soon.

He quickly moved his attention to Luna and realize she had cloaked herself from the Force. He wasn't too surprised. Considering what was going on, it was only a matter of time until she put her mental shields back up, and, with the way she reacted when certain emotions ran through her mind, it wasn't that much of a surprise that she had hidden her presence.

Anakin went back upstairs deciding he would wait for the gang to begin searching the house before they left. Less weapons that he had no idea how to block to worry about shooting at him.

He was nearly to the attic when his comlink went off.

"Hey Obi-Wan," Anakin said as he pressed on the button that would allow the two to communicate.

"Where are you?" Obi-Wan asked as his voice came through.

"Uh, there was a bit of a situation. We'll be there in a bit."


"Yes, Luna and I. Like I said: Situation."

"What kind of situation have you two found yourselves in?" Obi-Wan asked sounding annoyed. Anakin could practically see his friend's expression.

"Remember that kidnapping that I mentioned someone was planing? They just tried it. Luna's wounded."

"How bad?"

"Leg wound. I think she should still be able to walk. We're going to head on over as soon as we can."


"Come on, Obi-Wan. They're still here and looking for her. She needs to be somewhere that's safe for the next few hours at least."

"Fine," Obi-Wan muttered. "But get back here as soon as you can. We may have to move as well. People have started poking around the outside of the building."

"I'll ask Luna if she could think of somewhere to meet up at. They were waiting for her at her house, I'll bet that they'll be checking out the hideout next if they've been watching her routine. They were watching her route to school, so I wouldn't be surprised," Anakin informed his old master.

"In that case, we'll move before they have a chance to do anything.... We'll meet up at Luna's school."

"Sounds good," Anakin replied, and with that, he signed off.

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