Chapter 57

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After emerging from hyperspace and entering the atmosphere of Tatooine, it was a relatively simple thing to find where the Falcon had landed. Luke landed his X-Wing before hopping out and running over to the seemingly abandoned freighter. He was already halfway up the ramp before the Y-Wing Anakin and Obi-Wan were in had fully landed.

"Luke! Wait!" Anakin yelled, hopping out and quickly following his son, weary of any traps that may have been laid on the ship from unfriendly inhabitants, namely Jabba's goons.

Anakin caught up to Luke, who had by then found Threepio, in the main area.

"They left this morning. I was about to contact the Alliance per orders of Princess Leia," Threepio was explaining.

"No need, we're here," Luke said, turning to Anakin. "They left a while ago, and Threepio hasn't heard from them sense."

"Threepio, you go with Artoo and give Jabba Luke's message. We'll be following shortly," Anakin ordered.

"No," Obi-Wan objected, having finally caught up with the two Skywalkers. "We'll have to wait until tomorrow morning. We can send the droids this afternoon and rest. We need to be prepared."

"I'm not letting Padmé and Leia stay in Jabba's clutches a moment longer than necessary."

"Father's right, we don't know what Jabba will do or has already done to them. We send the droids in. Wait a bit, and then go. They could all be dead by tomorrow," Luke agreed.

"If we aren't back by the time night falls—"

"I've stayed out past dark before. The key is staying in one spot and not getting turned around," Anakin replied. "Besides, we've been on worse planets."

"Worse planets?" Luke asked skeptically.

"Let me rephrase, planets more likely to have something kill us at night. Tatooine's bad, but the Sand People will stay away if they know what's good for them."

"But—" Obi-Wan started before getting cut off.

"Master, can't you just accept it when your out voted?"

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