Chapter 139

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The first thing to come was shock.

It took Padmé a full ten seconds to even process what Anakin had just told—no confessed—to her.

"No." The word slipped from her lips in a barely audible whisper, even as she unconsciously stepped back, away from him. "That's not.... You would never...."

But why else would Anakin be looking at her the way he was now? So pained and heartbroken.

"Padmé, I—" Padmé held up a hand, silencing him.

"Just.... Just let me think."

Anakin would never turn.... Kill—murder—the people Vader had. He would never....

But he did, in the twin's timeline. Padmé placed her hands onto her bulging belly as a few tears slipped down her cheeks.

Great Force the twins....

"If you want me to leave...."

"Oh, Anakin!" Padmé cried, throwing herself into his arms. Anakin held her close, strong but gentle. A promise that she was safe. That they would be okay.

"I'm so sorry," Anakin half sobbed. "I swear I won't let it happen. Not this time.... But if something does happen—"

"No! No, Anakin, it won't." He pulled back, looking her seriously in the eyes.

"Angel, listen to me: if anything happens, anything that might even remotely look wrong about me, I need you to promise me something." Anakin paused for a moment, making sure she was paying attention. "I need you to promise me you'll run and hide."

"Anakin, don't be—"

"Padmé, I want you to be safe. I want the twins to be safe and away from Sidious and me if it comes down to it."


"Angel, the moment Vader comes into being, you're in danger. Promise me you'll run. Please."

Padmé took a shaky breath. "I promise."

Anakin nodded gratefully before pulling her into another embrace. They stayed that way for a long while after that.

A Long Time Ago, In a Galaxy Far AwayWhere stories live. Discover now