Chapter 69

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Anakin held back a sigh as Luke went through what he knew of the forms. Luke seemed to know the steps of forms I and III, Shii-Cho and Soresu respectively, very well but some of his movements were off and his steps were sometimes too big or too small. Form IV, Ataru, was relatively okay, but could use lots of work. Besides, it seemed as though Luke only knew of it for the occasional instances of when he would need it.

Either way though, Luke's forms needed a lot of work. Anakin was very glad he had the chance to help his son improve. Leia had been watching, but she had to leave for a meeting with High Command not too long ago. Padmé had been with them as well, but she had left with Leia, supposedly so her daughter could show her something right before the meeting. Obi-Wan was still with them and occasionally gave his own input on Luke's training, especially when it came to Soresu, which was what Anakin had decided to focus on since it was a defensive form, something that would come in handy next time Luke found himself face to face with Vader.

When Luke was part way through his Force knew how manith run through Soresu, alarms suddenly sounded throughout the ship. All three froze.

"Imperials! They found us!," Luke yelled after a moment, his lightsaber snapping off before he raced for the door, Anakin and Obi-Wan on his tail.

They followed Luke down a handful of halls until they almost literally ran into Leia and Padmé.

"I thought you were still on Home One!" Luke said.

"Got back just before the Imperials arrived," Leia replied. "Hyperdrive is down on this cruiser."

"So I heard. You're evacuating on the Falcon right?"

"Obviously, that laser brain of a smuggler wouldn't have it any other way."

"Good, I need to get to my squadron. Father, do you want to join me?" Luke asked, turning to Anakin.

Anakin opened his mouth to say yes, but suddenly remembered something: "Luna's in the medbay. I have to get her."

"We can get her on the way," Leia said. Anakin shook his head.

"No, she's almost on the opposite side of the ship from were the Falcon is. I'd much rather you get to the ship safely and let me handle getting Luna."

"We'll see you at the Falcon then," Obi-Wan said.

"Be careful, both of you," Padmé told them.

"I will," Luke replied.

"I'll see you in a bit, Angel," Anakin responded.

Their group split a moment later, heading in all different directions.

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