Chapter 20

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Luna looked into the mirror in the girl's bathroom. There was a new bruise around and on her left eye, courtesy of Henderson. It looked bad, and it was tender. Normally, Luna wouldn't have worried about it too much, no one at the house would notice, and if by some off chance they did, she'd make up something about a ball hitting her in the eye during P.E.

But now there were three people that would most certainly notice, two of witch would see through Luna's lies like glass.

"Well, here goes nothing," she muttered to herself, looking at the eye shadow pallet in her hand. Luna normally put on makeup for Halloween so the one pallet of makeup she owned for the occasion didn't really have that many natural colors in it and it didn't help that Luna barely knew what she was doing.

She selected a color that she believed was similar to her skin tone and carefully applied it around her black eye.

Hopefully it would be good enough to fool them.

And hopefully, however unlikely, the bruise would be gone soon.


"I'm here!" Luna called out as she entered the hideout, the six kittens were quick to greet her.

"We were beginning to wonder where you were," Anakin said looking her way as she come farther inside.

"Sorry, got a bit held up," Luna replied, handing the takeout she had gotten to Obi-Wan before setting down her backpack. Her hood was still up, but she knew she'd have to take it down to remain semi inconspicuous.

"Your backpack looks heavier than usual," Padmé said, noticing that Luna's bag looked stuffed to the brim.

"Lots of homework today. I wasn't able to get it all finished at school," Luna explained as she pulled off her hood and sat next to her bag, mentally praying to the Force no one would notice the bruise or makeup around her eye. "I'll just do it tomorrow."

"But you still have school," Anakin said.

"Nope, today is Friday. Tomorrow's Saturday, the weekend," Luna replied, giving a small smile. That was the one good thing about Fridays, the release of the weekend. Even if the next day wasn't Luna's favorite. "I can procrastinate on my Arabic homework for the rest of the day."

"Just more to do, you aren't going to hang out with us?" Anakin said, half joking.

"Uh no, I, uh, can't come tomorrow. I'm free Sunday though, so I can spend the entire day here if you don't mind," Luna replied.

"Then how are you going to manage to get your homework done?" Padmé asked, crossing her arms.

Luna's eyes widened, realizing that they thought she had some all day plans, but it wasn't like she was going to tell them the truth. And it wasn't like she was going to make up something.


Padmé rolled her eyes and smiled, grabbing some food before sitting next to Luna.

"Let's get started on that Arabic work then, shall we?" she asked. Luna's eyes widened even more.

"You-you want to help me?" Luna stuttered, surprise not even coming near to what she felt. No one had ever offered to help her before except for the occasional teacher.

"Why not? You're alway helping us."


About half an hour later, Luna had managed to complete all of her Arabic homework with help from Padmé and the occasional help from Anakin and Obi-Wan during breaks between sparring with each other, something that repetitively distracted Luna and occasionally Padmé.

From there she worked on math, witch was done pretty quickly without much help needed. Luna had a chapter left to read for English, but she figured she could read it later.

For now, she and Padmé were being entertained by Obi-Wan and Anakin. One would attack, usually Anakin, until the person being attack would find an opening and attack the other for a few strikes until the first could retaliate. It was a million times better than on a screen.

And as an added bonus, it was just for fun between the two, it was so different compared too....

Compared to the most famous battle between the two. The hatred driven and broken hearted battle over the shores and rivers of Mustafar.

Luna brushed the thought from her mind. Dwell in the present, not the future.

The two Jedi eventually stopped the spare.

"I believe that is enough for one day," Obi-Wan said. Anakin laughed.

"Done already master?" Anakin asked.

"That was amazing!" Luna yelled, practically bouncing up and down from excitement. The three adults smiled at her reaction.

"I got the impression that you watch stuff like that all the time," Anakin said.

"Are you kidding?! It so much better to see in person! Besides, I rarely get the TV controller, so I don't usually get the chance to watch Star Wars too much."

"Well, glad you enjoyed it."

"Hate to interrupt, but I believe it is time for you to be heading home," Obi-Wan said, looking out through a window, clouded from dust, at the twilight slowly descending upon the outside world. Luna glanced at the clock on her ipod, frowning.

"I think I still have some time before I have to get back to the house, Master Kenobi," she replied. Padmé frowned, noticing, not for the first time, that Luna always called her home her house instead.

"Why do always call your home your house?" Padmé asked.

"Because that's just where I happen to live," Luna replied, shrugging. "I haven't really had a home since...." She paused, thinking, before what the next day was came to her yet again. She continued on, her voice tinged with what sadness she was unable to hide as an expression to match it flashed across her face, "Since my mom died I guess. A home is supposed to be where family or people who love you are, just one of the many things that doesn't fit in with my life."

"Sorry I—"

"It's fine Senator," Luna said, quickly cutting Padmé off and quickly forcing her mind to move to less dark avenues. "That's just how my life works. I've learned how to deal with it.... I'll.... I'll just go then."

They said their goodbyes, and Luna left.

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