Chapter 156

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"Their....sincerity....may be much to be admired," Palpatine said, even as Anakin tried to sort through what he was hearing. "Or it would be, were it not that there was much more to that meeting than met the eye."

"What do you mean?" Anakin asked cautiously.

"Their....petition was nothing of the sort. It was, in fact, a not-so-veiled threat," Palpatine sighed regretfully. "It was a show of force, Anakin. A demonstration of the political power the Jedi will be able to muster in support of their rebellion."

That isn't right, the Jedi had nothing to do with it. Sure, it fosters a rebellion, but only after the Empire comes into being, Anakin thought to himself, grabbing onto the first thing that at least relatively ordered his mind into something recognizable once more. "Surely—surely they only meant to request for you to relinquish some of your emergency power. Senator Amidala would never—"

"I understand how badly you need to believe that," the Chancellor said gently. "But Senator Amidala is hiding something. Surely you have sensed it."

"Even if she is, it doesn't mean that what she is hiding is treason."

"I'm surprised your Jedi insights are not more sensitive to such things," Palpatine said as his eyebrows drew together.

"I simply do not sense betrayal in Senator Amidala," Anakin insisted.

"Yes, you do," Palpatine said as he leaned back in his chair, studying Anakin sceptically. "Though you don't want to admit it. Perhaps it is because neither you nor she yet understands that by that by betraying me, she is also betraying you."

"Let me get this straight," Anakin had said, only a few days ago as they walked through the halls of the Jedi Temple. "I went on to lead Imperial armies, and Padmé helped plant the seeds for the Rebellion."

"Yep," Luna had confirmed

"All at the same time."

"More or less. The seeds were being planted long before Vader happened, and Padmé actually wouldn't allow the other senators to talk about certain things around her because of what the Rebellion would entitle. Besides, she didn't even start the movement of the delegation, she just assisted it."

"Why hasn't she mentioned that?"

"Well.... She felt like—feels like really, still completely relevant now, despite my best attempts—that by making this stand against Palpatine, she isn't only betraying him, but also you."

"That's ridiculous!"

"That isn't how Vader takes it."

"Chancellor, she isn't—" Anakin started only to be cut off.

"But she is," Palpatine said. "That is the nature of politics, my boy. Don't take it too personally. It doesn't mean the two of you can't be happy together."

"Wha.... What do you mean?" Anakin asked, feeling the blood drain from his face. The Chancellor couldn't possibly mean.....

"Please, Anakin. Are we not past the point of playing childish games with each other? I know, do you understand? I have always known. I have pretended ignorance only to spare you discomfort."

"What—what do you know?" Anakin questioned, struggling to keep his head level even as fear gripped him. If Palpatine knew, Sidious....

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