Chapter 91

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Luna was hesitant to leave the shadows of the last pillar and walk out into the open.

In fact, she was hesitant to even move.

In front of her, speeders were parked in parking sports, hovering over the ground, as were transports and other vehicles that flew. A handful of blue robed Senate Guards were stationed around said vehicles.

And beyond them? Beyond the edge of the parking area where the platform ended, creating a manmade cliff?

The horizon was filled with countless skyscrapers. Countless skyscrapers that looked nothing like those on Earth. Some were burning, remnants of the battle that just took place. Ships were flying through the air, as were smaller flying things that Luna assumed were speeders. It was hard to tell at the distance, everything becoming smaller and some were only dots glinting in the light as they moved. It almost reminded Luna of watching birds. Metallic birds.

Metallic, featherless, and wingless birds.

She was on Coruscant. An unfamiliar city the size of a planet that used speeders instead of cars and quite possibly had no actual surface considering the countless levels below her.


And while she wasn't necessary lost yet, all that needed to happen was for a guard to spot her and kick her out for her to get lost.

In a city that was a planet.

Luna was freaking out. Yes, she had always wanted to come to Coruscant, but only now she was realizing that big cities really weren't her thing.

Or maybe it had something to do with brand new things not being Luna's cup of tea. She didn't like change.

It could have also been because Coruscant was the first really major city that Luna had been too, the only other comparisons being the airports of capital cities which really didn't count, and it happened to be a strange alien planet that read things in an entirely different language, used different money than the USA did, and had technology that Luna had no clue of how to use.

And did she mention the Sith Lord in control of said planet-city that would either kill or torture her if he discovered her?

So yes, Luna was panicking.

She held her necklace in a death grip, trying to calm herself. She hadn't been discovered yet, so there was no need to worry.


Of course, that didn't keep her from worrying.

Luna was very good a worrying needlessly. She had a marginable anxiety problem among other things.

Many other things....

Luna tried to focus on the present, like the fact that if she didn't calm herself down soon, she'd give herself a panic attack, and that would be extremely unhelpful.

Deciding to risk touching the Force for a moment, Luna turned her back to the pillar and slide down it, closing her eyes as she reached into the Force and tried to clear her mind.

Darkness. Luna couldn't feel it as potently other's could, but she could feel it. It wasn't that surprising, she was at the Senate Building.

But she was looking for someone, and therefore ignored the darkness to the best of her ability....

Luna didn't know hold long she sat there, but she managed to calm her panicking mind somewhat.

Only a little.

But she smiled to herself when she managed to pick up on a bright, familiar Force presence in front of her.

"Waiting for us?" a voice said. Luna opened her eyes to find Anakin and Padmé standing over her.

Luna's heart beat finally calmed.

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