January: Part 8

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Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Dear Friend,

I stared at the phone on the end table for what seemed like forever. Finally, I sighed and picked up the receiver. The hum of the dial tone greeted me. Then I dialed the Conners' number that I memorized in grade school. How many times had I dialed this number? How many times had I asked Jason if he wanted to come over and play? Sadly, those days were long over. A new leaf had turned.

"Hello?"  a cheery woman's voice asked.

"Hey, Monique," I said demurely. "May I speak to Jason?"

"Sure, he just walked in. So good to hear from you, dear. I know he's been trying to reach you."

"Oh, well, that's..."

"I won't keep you. Here he is." She passed the phone along to her son. I sighed, relieved. Monique never pried - and I loved that about her.

"Cassie?" he asked, surprise and relief dripping from his all-too-familiar voice.

My heart leapt. I hadn't realized how much I missed hearing him.

"Yeah," I murmured softly.

"H-how are you? I've left several messages..."

"Yeah, I uh...got your note," I said, stupidly.

There was silence on the line for a beat.

"I think we should meet," Jason said finally. "No monkey business. I swear. I can respect your privacy, but I have more to say. And I know I'm not in a position to be asking anything from you right now, but...I think if you hear me out, it'll make this all smoother. Please."

I picked at a hangnail on my thumb. "I don't know."

What more was there to say? His letter said it all. His actions said it all. My hurt said it all. Didn't he know by now that I wanted him and he didn't want me?

Jason waited patiently for me to sort out my thoughts.

"No monkey business?" I repeated.

"Pinky swear."

I smirked. "We haven't pinky swore in like five years."

"That's how serious I am."

Why was he so irresistible? Why was he going through all this trouble if he didn't want me? Does a guy in high school really fall on a swore, throw themselves in front of a train - whatever this was - for a friend they had no interest in getting with? It didn't seem possible.

"Gulley's?" I asked, thinking of the diner down the street from the mall.

"No. The lake."

I winced. "The scene of the crime?"

I heard a smile in his voice. "I'll come unarmed if you will."

"Thursday? Seven?"

"I'll be there."

I clicked the cordless phone off and put my face in my hands. "The heck did I just do?" My voice muffled in my palms.

"Same reason you do anything," I heard a young voice chirp as it walked past. "'Cause you're weird."

Maybe Jeremy was on to something.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Dear Friend,

I studied with Harriet this afternoon after school and feel a lot better prepared for our exams this week. Miss Burgess is really laying down the law in some of our subjects, so it's comforting that I have a study partner to keep me focused. I nonchalantly offered that maybe we invite Chloe to some of these meetups because she's a brain and can offer helpful learning tips. Harriet smirked and asked if I was trying to recruit more friends for her. Hey, the girl could use 'em. Her bristly exterior isn't doing her any favors. I wish I felt as prepared for tomorrow as I do for my exams. I haven't the faintest idea what Jason could possibly want to say.

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