May: Part 8

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Saturday, May 14, 2005

Dear Friend,

The pizza boxes were opened, the Pepsi was poured, the cheers and paper horns were rampant and I was surrounded by my two families, smiles all around. You'd think we won State already. It didn't matter. We were just so happy. Chris and a couple of Jason's buddies were there, but I didn't mind. They brought dates along so I visited with them when the boys were doing their thing. I spent time with Tracy and Monique, goofed around with my brothers, and talked with Greg about my grades. You know, all the typical stuff that always took place when the Wallace and the Conners clan get together.

At one point, I felt a hand cupping the back of my shoulder as I began to head towards the hallway where the bathroom is in the Conners house. Jason's familiar voice whispered, "Come with me," and then I felt his chest in my back as he pushed me toward that same hall.

"Where are we going?" I giggled quietly. "Won't you be missed?"

"Don't care," he responded as he pulled me by my hand into the darkness of the hall away from everybody. Then he cornered me into the wall and leaned in and kissed me softly. I returned the kiss and giggled a little more. I couldn't help it. I like it when we play.

"I'm so glad you're here," he murmured.

"Of course I am, silly. Where else would I be? I've come to every occasion that celebrates you for most of our lives."

"You know what I mean," he said, brushing hair out of my face. "It's different now. It feels amazing to have your support. You were at my game. I'd never had a girlfriend at my game before. Not an away game like that."

"Well, you'd never been in the playoffs before," I teased.

"I mean it. You don't go to gab with the people in the stands and show off your face paint and eat snack food and feign school spirit. You actually care about how we play, what it does to me internally... You're amazing." He tilted my chin up and said, "You always have been. I'm sorry it took me so long to appreciate that."

I shrugged with a teasing smile. "You said you wanted a girlfriend that loves sports. I was hoping you'd finally get it."

"Thank you for being in my corner," he whispered. 

"Always," I whispered back and kissed him again gently and slowly. "Plus, when you're famous and don't have to worry that I'm only with you for your money. If you dump me for a Victoria's Secret model, you'll be risking your fortune."

He rolled his eyes and pulled me close to tickle me. "I'll keep that in mind," he answered as my screams filled the hallway.

"Can't. Breathe!" I wailed.

My mom came tearing into view. "Sweetie, are you all right? Are you hurt?"

"Sorry, Mrs. Wallace," Jason answered, pulling away from me. "I was only tickling her."

"What's going on out there?" my dad hollered.

My mom walked back in his direction saying, "Nothing, Doug. Jason was tickling Cassie."

"Damn kids," I heard him mutter to which Jason and I shared a laugh.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Dear Friend,

Jason called me this morning to let me know how the other game in the sate panned out and which team he's playing in the championship.

"Collingwood," he said. "Just like I feared. I would've rather faced Perkins because their kicker isn't the greatest and sometimes that makes all the difference. But yeah, to make it fair they're placing the championship in a stadium between our cities so we have to drive the same distance and nobody has any advantages."

"Where is Collingwood?" I asked.

"Malibu," he said. "I swear, if we don't beat those surfers, I think I'll go crazy."

I smirked. "Not everyone in Malibu surfs, Jason."

"We're playing in Arvenal, Californai. It's halfway between Lakota and Malibu."

"Oh, Avenal," I said, the city sounding familiar. "Just past Fresno. I've never been there. Always an adventure with you, Conners."

I could almost feel his smile as I held the phone close to my face.

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