November: Part 1

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The most I can do for my friend is simply to be his friend. I have no wealth to bestow on him. If he knows that I am happy in loving him, he will want no other reward. Is not friendship divine in this? - Henry David Thoreau


Monday, November 1, 2004

Dear Friend,

I have got to decide what I'm going to wear to Jason's party. It's only two days away!! Should I play it safe or try and look like a knock-out? Ugh. Decisions!

Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Dear Friend,

I spent last night trying to figure out what I was going to wear to school today, thus making the decision to go to the mall after school to look for an outfit to wear to the party tomorrow. I ended up buying a casual white dress that'll go great with my white slippers. I'm going to curl my hair and pull it into a low ponytail in a blue scrunchie. I was thinking about wearing a blue dress since that's Jason's favorite color, but don't you think Lydia will be? Besides, I chose white hoping to come off as this pure, bright light. Too bad Lydia will look way too hit for Jason to even notice me. How am I competition at all? She can win easily, no doubt.

Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Dear Friend,

I got ready for the party and tried to look the best I could even though I somehow knew that Lydia would look so much better. I don't envy her and this is not a war. There's only one point to all this, and you know what that is. Anyway, our family walked over to the Conners'. We were the first ones there, of course. I said hi to Tracy and sat on the couch. The Conners' explained that Jason had a late start so he was still getting ready, and I waited patiently for him. I hoped he would come down before people arrived, but that didn't happen. Lydia swept through the door looking like some sort of queen and wore a sparkling blue dress. (What did I tell ya? Go figure.) It wasn't too appropriate (had a swooping neck line), but Lydia's hair looked smoother than silk. She wore pink lipstick and her blush blended in wonderfully with her tan and eye makeup. There was no way he'd notice me first. Compared to Lydia I looked like a four-year-old in a cute little dress. And my outfit was way cool!

"Good evening, everyone!" Lydia sang as she did her little model walk over to a end table with presents stacked.

"Hello, Lydia," Greg and Monique said to her, not as pleasant as they greeted us. In case you don't remember, they don't quite approve of Jason dating her...or even her for that matter.

"Jason will be down in a minute," Monique added.

"Wonderful," she replied in glee. "Look at my dress. Do you think he'll like it?"

We all didn't say much of anything until I sighed. I couldn't deny she looked beautiful. Then I said honestly and hurting inside, "He'll love it, Lydia."

"Oh, I know," she said with a little dainty wave of the hand, like she knew everything.

Okay, now she's looking and acting like a queen. Just then I saw Jason in dark jeans and a pin-striped collared shirt.

"I look like an idiot in this thing," he laughed as he came down the stairs.

I caught myself staring at him, but I couldn't stop even though I knew people would start to notice. Somehow though, I didn't care. Jason looked the most wonderful I had ever seen him. Everyone else saw him as Jason Conners: neighbor, friend, football star. I saw him as this handsome guy that I've been best friends with forever.

Lydia walked over and said, "There's my guy." Then she kissed him and asked if more people were coming. Just then, rowdy friends of Jason flew in and tackled him. Of course I didn't know that until they were literally next to Jason since I couldn't take my eyes off him.

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