August: Part 3

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Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Dear Friend,

I went outside this morning to play catch with Jeremy, and Jason was walking out to his car next door.

"Hey, Jason," I called out to him.

"Hey, Koala."

I sighed. Why does he insist on calling me that? I'm fifteen!

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

"Today is Lydia's seventeenth birthday, so I'm going to her house to give her a card."

Okay, she's three months older than Jason. That's not bad compared to how I'm almost two years younger than him. So today is Little Miss USA's birthday, huh? Well, at least he isn't going to a party or anything. But I'm running out of time. This is getting way too serious.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Dear Friend,

Today Renee called me and we talked for about an hour, and then I walked around on my crutches all day. I think I'm getting more used to these things. After lunch, I went for a walk around the neighborhood on them. I like taking walks because I get out in the fresh air and it clears my head. Not much going on today. Dad got home late, Mom's working in the house, and my brothers went out for ice cream. I asked them to bring me back something. Maybe tomorrow will be more interesting.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Dear Friend,

You don't know what problems I am having today! I ran into Jason on one of my walks (it didn't clear my head) and he and I exchanged hellos when one of my crutches slipped out from under my arm and I fell on the sidewalk. Strike one. He helped me up and I mumbled thanks before I went inside, embarrassed. Then a while later, Jeremy and Brendan were playing a board game and while lifting my crutch, it completely knocked the board off the coffee table. Strike two. Then climbing up the stairs... Strike three. So much for getting used to these things. I should probably cross our that part where I wrote that yesterday.

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Dear Friend,

Have you ever had one of those days when you wanna do something really important and then get jilted? I think you know precisely what I am talking about. Yep, Jason and Lydia. Word is around town that these guys are one of the hottest couples in Lakota. I didn't have to hear it to believe it. I mean, I saw them kiss in his driveway. I don't plan on breaking them up, but I need to do something major - and fast. 

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Dear Friend,

Today I was reading a book on the couch and trying to keep myself busy so I wouldn't think about what's bothering me. As I read, sadly I looked over at something next to me. It was the video I got for my birthday that Jason and I never saw together that weekend. What did it matter? He'd never want to do anything with me anyway. Not anymore. He has new friends and a girlfriend. What am I to him now?

Mom tried to get me to eat more dinner and Jeremy tried getting me to play with him, but I just wasn't in the mood. Right now I'm going through a crisis. Tessa was right. Being fifteen is not for the faint of heart.

Monday, August 16, 2004

Dear Friend,

Today I was sitting on my porch reading and moping when I looked over next door to see Lydia, Jason, and a couple of his friends over. It wasn't my business what they were doing, so I ignored them and went back to my reading. Just then I heard a voice in front of me.

"Hey, you're that girl at the Lakota Carnival, right?" a girly voice asked.

I looked up from my book to see Lydia. "That's me."

"Jason didn't tell me you were his next door neighbor."

I shrugged.

"So Jason tells me that he's lived in this house," she said, pointing to his, "for years. You did just move here, right?"

"Move here? I've lived here for ten years."

"You mean to tell me that you lived here before Jason moved here?"


"Well," Lydia said, as though she was trying to convince herself, "only living next door wouldn't give you any special knowledge. How much could you possibly know about him?"

"I knew him before he was catching footballs."

"Well, then. Maybe this isn't too bad after all..."

She felt threatened? Lydia was jealous of me? She was jealous that I'm living next door to Jason. I thought I was the only one jealous!

"So tell me," she said, swishing her long dark hair behind her shoulders. "Tell me everything you know about Jason. I always like to get to know my favorite people a little better."

"You think I'm going to tell you about Jason?"

"Yes, why wouldn't you?"

I swallowed.

"Are you, like, into him?"

I felt my body start to stiffen. "His birthday's November 3. He loves football, chicken quesadillas, and movies. He's never flunked a class, never been on the honor roll...and he really seems to like you."

"Really? What'd he say about me?" she giggled.

I stood up to leave. "Ask him yourself."

Lydia gave off the appearance of someone taken aback. "What's with you? And what's with the dorky cast?"

"I fell off my roof. And Jason rescued me."


"Go ahead, ask him."

Just then Jason walked up. "I see you two are getting to know each other." He turned to me. "How's the ankle doing?"

"Better. If you didn't catch me off of the roof when you did, I probably would've had a whole body cast on."

"Nah, you're stronger than that. It totally wasn't a big deal though."

I gave Lydia a told-you-so look.

"Well, Koala, we better get back. Sorry to hold you up," he said, putting his arm around Lydia and walked back to his house.

The look Lydia gave me over her shoulder (no doubt due to him calling me Koala - you know, that cuddly non-sexual thing?) showed me how totally unthreatened she feels now. My eyes burned with hot tears of embarrassment once she stopped looking.

This was bad. Lydia might actually have a hint of the truth now. And if she knows, guess who she'll tell? If not Jason, the whole town! I have to make sure she doesn't find out. I'm supposed to tell Jason.

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