January: Part 14

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Monday, January 31, 2005

Dear Friend,

As I was sitting at lunch with my friends, I told them about my date. I hadn't seen them over the weekend so they were pleading for details. So word wouldn't spread at school, we used a code name for Jason. We've been referring to him as "Bob."

"So you're Bob's girlfriend now?" Renee asked, relieved. "He actually said that?"

I smiled. "You guys, it's pretty amazing...but I think he genuinely wants this as much as I do. He's been great."

Tessa opened a mini bag of chips and popped one in her mouth. "So is he a good kisser?"

I bit my lip and nodded. "Very. I swear I think about kissing him in equal part as I do about him when we're not around each other. I don't know how I went all that time not kissing him."

"So when's the last time you saw him?" Chloe asked. She took a bite of her celery stick.

"Not since the date. I've been driving since I got my temps. Plus we didn't want it to look suspicious. His parents already suspect he's seeing someone."

Renee smiled in that way she does when she's cooked up a plan. "So you must really miss him, huh?"

I eyed her as I set down my juice. Letting her know I was on to her, I asked, "What's your point?"

"The football team has a practice after school tomorrow," she explained. "I say we scope 'em out. You can watch him get all hot and sweaty. Nothing like athletes to turn a girl on, especially if one of them is your boyfriend." She shrugged. "Who knows? Shirts may be taken off. And aggression could start a fight."

"Oh golly," Chloe murmured, quickly pretending to be engrossed in her history notes.

Tessa snorted. "What, was Varsity Blues on TBS last night?"

Renee made a face at her.

I smirked. "And if I drool, what then? It'll be obvious why I'm there. And I don't want to come off like a slut. I'm dating Bob, remember?"

"Cassie," Renee said, setting down her sandwich, "who is on our pep rally?"

"Country club spawn and cheerleaders?"

She rolled her eyes. "And who else?"

"Honor students?"

"Yes. With school spirit. And who else at this table is an honor student?" She snapped her head from looking at me to beside me. "Put your hand down, Fleacorn."

Chloe immediately dropped her hand into her lap.

"Just think about it. Honor students live and breathe this pathetic high school experience.  They're all about school spirit."

I grimaced. "I don't know."

"Show up, pretend to be interested in the game itself. If someone approaches you, just say you were considering signing up for yearbook or the school paper and wanted to do some research on our sports teams."

I pondered it. "That all sounds plausible."

"Surprise him. He'll love it. Trust me."

There was silence for a stretch of time before Chloe muttered, "I don't live and breathe high school."

"Hey, Chloe, I got this great bronzer at the mall that'll really bring out your cheekbones. You up for trying it out?" Tessa asked.

It immediately perked her back up.

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