July: Part 3

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Sunday, July 25, 2004

Dear Friend, 

It'll probably be a while before I see Jason again. Why do I have to be such a chicken about telling him my secret? Maybe 'cause I'm afraid he won't speak to me again. But what if he were happy to hear my secret? He'd be calling me right now! Man, I'm pathetic. Seriously, why am I such a wuss? And I'm going through this alone. I probably should tell Jason someday. I just have to wait for the right moment. The perfect moment. If it's a good time, I'll do it even if I don't want to. I'm almost fifteen, for God's sake. It's about time Jason knew.

This summer, Mom has made a new friend (Monique, Jason's mom, is her best friend, just to remind you) and her name is apparently Fiona Fleacorn. And I'm thinking, Fiona Fleacorn? Fiona Fleacorn?!?

Anyway, that's not the worst part. It just so happens that Fiona has a daughter my age, and trust me: I met her today and she is not quite the type of person you would want to meet. Mom and I met this Fleacorn lady and her daughter at Leon's Ice Cream Parlor and the girl looked freakier than this rumored girl in the town next to us.

"Darling," Mom said, "this is Mrs. Fleacorn and her daughter, Chloe."

With the name Chloe you'd expect some pretty, popular babe but believe me, she was anything but!

"Hi," I murmured.

"Hello," she said kind of sheepishly. "I like your shoes."

My eyebrows rose. Mom, you can't be serious!

"Why don't you two get to know each other?" Mom asked, and she and the Fiona lady disappeared.

Chloe Fleacorn looked completely dorky. She had puffy black hair that kind of slumped on her shoulders, black dweeby glasses, moth-eaten jeans that were too long and covered her dirty old Nikes, and dark eyes paired with a long nose. I swear she looked strange, and I know I don't sound nice, but if you saw her? Whoa. You'd think the same thing. Did I mention she has braces?

"So," I asked, "what should do you go to?"

"I go to a private school in the area," Chloe answered. "It's an all-girl school and my mom thinks that if I go to a school with boys that they'll tease me."

For reason. Really. That was probably true. We were silent for a couple of minutes until she said that she liked my hair.

"Thanks," I replied. It was straight and in a pink headband that looked really good with my outfit. I only curled my hair for special occasions. Like my birthday this weekend. Anyway, this conversation was weird, and I would've taken any chance to get out of there if I had one.

"Well," Chloe said, pushing her glasses up on her nose. "What do you like to do for fun?"

"I enjoy dressing up, reading, swimming, and going to parties."

"Parties? Wow, I've never been to a party. What's it like?"

"You kind of just hang out with your friends. There's food, maybe dancing or games. Sometimes we have The O.C. marathons."

"Sounds like fun. I like to look nice too. Look at my shirt. Isn't it cool?" Chloe asked, pulling at the material.

For a sports freak, maybe. Chloe was wearing a track shirt. Was she out of her mind?

"I like sports, but I don't like to dress in jerseys and stuff. I play a little, but not a whole lot."

"Oh...well...swimming isn't my thing. I don't like to get wet."

That explains it, I thought. No wonder she hasn't had a shower in a while.

Mom came back with Chloe's mom (thank goodness) and we went our separate ways.

"Do you like her?" Mom asked me in the car.


"Well, guess what? Fiona says Chloe's never been to a party so I invited her to come to yours."

"What?" I demanded.

"Fiona says she can't wait to tell Chloe and that she'll be so excited."

I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. "What?" I shrieked. "But Mom, she's so weird!"

"She needs a friend and I think the two of you would get along great. Make sure to include her with your friends."

"But - "

"She's staying overnight too. You'll love her."

"Mom! She loves sports too much, and she doesn't like to get wet?! How weird is that?"

"Please, honey," Mom pleaded. "For me?"

I agreed, but how would I explain this to my friends? This'll be a disaster! What if nobody likes her? I mean, she goes to an all-girl school already and she has no friends. I need to give her a chance. Maybe she won't be so bad.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Dear Friend,

I should probably tell you what's going on for my birthday. I am having my two friends, Renee and Tessa, at my party and we are going rollerblading at the park. I've been learning how to rollerblade and should be pretty good by then. Guess what? All of the Conners' are coming too. Then we're all going out to eat at a new restaurant in town. After that, bowling. And then my friends are coming over to spend the night. What a fun day, right? I get to see Jason in two days, have my fifteenth birthday and my friends stay over, cake, presents, rollerblading, and bowling all in the same day! And better yet, I'll get the classic tradition of making a wish on my birthday candles, and guess what I'm wishing for? It starts with a J. Can you guess? If I say, it won't come true.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Dear Friend,

Tomorrow is my birthday! I can't wait! I just hope for some reason either Chloe is sick and can't make it or she won't be so bad at the party. I'm hoping for the latter since that makes me less mean. Just picture it tomorrow: the fun, Jason, and I can juggle Chloe on my hands too. I mean, what's the big deal? Anyone can handle a nerd. Right?

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