15• The Watson Holmes Family

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Sherlock waved at an elderly man riding a bicycle through the old 50's style market. He carried a basket of food on his arm and a smile on his face. He loved it here on the island. It was like it was stuck in time. Everyone was friendly, very few people had phones, cars were scarce and bicycles and motorcycles were the norm. He and John had made friends all over the place. It was amazing. Sherlocks mobile rang in his pocket. It felt so out of place, the iPhone, when it was rare to have even a landline phone. He answered it, and John spoke to him. "Hi." John said, heavily breathing. Sherlock was at once curious.

"Either you've called me in a compromising position or I've caught you working out." Sherlock said through the phone, a small grin on his face. He waited to cross the road, he didn't have to wait long.

"Neither." John said. He clutched the table to his left. Honestly, for the worlds most observant man, Sherlock could be so very... Unobservant. "I think I'm in labour..."

Sherlock gasped and came to a stand still. He was at the turning for the road their house was on. He dropped his basket and ran down the road, skidding slightly on the warm path as he got to the house. Adrenaline ran through him as he practically knocked the door down to find John watching 'Merlin' on the old TV set. Sherlock hung up the mobile in his hand in shock. John lay on the couch, perfectly content, looking up at him. "That was quick." John smiled, his eyes wide and slightly dazed.

"I thought you were... Babies... What... I can't... What...?" Sherlock stammered. John loved it when Sherlock was confused. It made Sherlock seem almost human. "You... I... Child... John...?"

"I am in labour you twit." John laughed at Sherlocks expression. "There's a while between contractions." John said. Sherlock blushed. He had made himself look like such a fool.

"I know." Sherlock recovered. "I just panicked." He explained. John nodded.

"Shit, here we go again..." John winced and his face screwed up in pain as another contraction started. "FuckfuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK" John cursed, Sherlock ran to John's side and squeezed his shoulder anxiously. "Fine. I'm totally fine." John lied to his worried partner.

"Are you sure...?" Sherlock asked hesitantly. He pushed a wisp of blonde hair out of his partners dazzling eyes with his thin fingers. John smiled up at Sherlock, his eyes coated with a mixture of adoration and excitement.

"It's happening, Sherlock." John said, a huge smile on his face. "We're going to have a family."


Sherlock paced the hallway outside the operating theatre, they were just giving his husband some painkillers, then he could go in and be with his John. He had texted Molly, Mary, Lestrade (which also meant Mycroft) and Irene, but he felt someone was missing. He scrolled aimlessly through his contacts looking for the person he had to text to put his mind at ease. He stopped at H.

He texted: The babies are on their way! We miss you!: to Harrie Watson.


John looked around him. The drugs had really messed with his mind. Everything was a little blurred and he couldn't feel a thing. It was annoying more than anything. Where was Sherlock!? "Sherlock?" He called, only to find, in dismay, that his throat was dry. The call came out as a muffled croak.

"Eet ees okay. Your husbind will be aloud een here soon." The foreign doctor said. To take his mind of the pain, John tried to deduce what country he was from. Sherlock could do it in seconds- probably less than that- but it took a while for John. What did that sound like? Poland? No, John had visited there before he met Sherlock. He smiled at the memory of him and his sister sharing a bed, staying up until twelve (what badasses, he thought) watching polish television. They were only young. Was it... Sweden? Um... John didn't think so. He thought about this for a while before the doctor gave him a mask. "What's this?" John asked, a little nervous.

"It's laughing gas." An English nurse chimed in, closing his medical file. "You should know, Dr Watson-Holmes." She smiled at him empathetically. John recognised her from the clinic he worked at. He had finished his medical training and everything was going great.

"Yeah." John agreed, his voice still croaky. He began breathing the unfamiliar gas in, it made him smile. "Sherlock?" He asked.

"On his way in." The nurse said, opening the door for John's Curly headed soulmate.


John lay exhausted on the operating bed. He didn't know why he felt so tired, a baby had been literally lifted out of him. He did no work. He guessed life threatening surgery did that to people. Made them so tired that even breathing ached. He looked over to Sherlock who was visibly crying, holding the first of the babies in his hands. The kid was wailing on and on. John winced at its frankly pathetic wails. But he warmed to them at once. A baby. His baby. The first baby. John imagined how this would be the one to constantly remind the younger that THEY were the oldest. By a few minuets. "Eet ees a boy!" The doctor smiled at John. The whole operating theatre applauded, except Sherlock who was gazing contently at his young son.

Sherlock wondered how something so small and feeble could already take his heart away. It had nearly been two minuets since the child had been plopped into his arms, and he had never been more in love. Well, except with John. He looked over at his husband with tear glazed eyes. "Our baby." He whispered. John nodded. Sherlock took a few steps closer so John could see the tiny specimen for himself. "Well done." Sherlock said, kissing John's forehead, which was decorated with beads of sweat, "One down, one to go!" John laughed lightly at his Sherlocks touching (yet petty) attempt at humour.

"Here you go!" A large framed midwife said, putting a naked baby girl in Sherlocks left arm. "A boy and a girl!" She said. "Well, Mr and Er... Mr... Watson Holmes, congratulations! Your family is finally complete!"



It's been a while! Sorry for the late upload, but due to my disgusting homework and laziness, it was inevitable. ALSO it's my birthday tomorrow (October 1st whoo!) so YAYAYAYAYAYAY.

So because I'm feeling considerate, (and everyone should have a Internet birthday friend) leave your first name and birthday in the comments and I'll write it down and be sure to message you happy birthday when it comes!

(It may not be on the day, but, you know, around that sort of time. I get distracted easily and, Oh look a hedgehog)


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