15• The Other Life

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They say, when you die, you're whole life plays in front of you for seven seconds. This, my friends, was true. I was reminded of that song... What was it...? Something about the watching your lives on a screen, hating the ending, but it started with an alright scene. Ah yes.

"Lets call her... Molly. No, Bethany! No, Angeline! No, Harriet! Our little Harriet."

"Oh look at her, the gorgeous thing! All dressed up! You're little sister will be here soon! A friend for you to play with."

"What do you mean it's a boy?"
"Too late to abort?"
"Harriet will be gutted."

"What shall we call it? John will do I suppose."

"Harriet stop that silly crying at once! John never does that and he's a boy!"

"What do you mean depression?"
"What do you mean anxiety?"
"What do you mean Body Dysmorphia!?"
"She's only ten!"

"Take the pills or I'll shove them down your throat Harriet Georgina Watson!"

"Oh fine! Leave! Take that masculine brat with you!"

"Please come back Harriet."

"We miss you so."

"Harrie? What?"
"It's a nick name."
"That's silly John!"
"I think it's cool."

"Harrie this is Sherlock."

"I love you Harrie."

"We miss you Harriet."

"Please speak to us, Harriet."

"This is Sherlock..."
"I know...?"
"This is Sherlock my boyfriend."

"Come here!"
"My mouf!"

"Where is Irene Adler?"



Then there was darkness. I felt weightless and cold. Oh so cold. But all I really felt, all I really felt in my... Unbeating... Heart was the dismay that my brother would feel when he found his sister like this.

I did another Death/Life mini thing! Do you guys like them or nah?
QOTC- what has been your favourite chapter so far?

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