10•The Life

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"What sort of a world do we live in? It's a world where people would rather hurt themselves than be themselves. And that stings. Originally, I wanted to be something to stop this, but no man alone can. Men and women alike are all born, some educated, some get jobs, some marry, some have children, all die. We are all born, and we all die. So why should it matter?

This opinion changed when I met James.

We met in secondary school. He was a laugh. He drew me pictures and I would write stories about them. Soon enough the stories would become dark, and the pictures followed. We committed our first crime- matricide- when we were fifteen.

Together we pulled off what seemed to be the perfect murder of my mother. Slitting her throat, skinning her, propping her up in the chair for my fathers vicious eyes. It was... Extraordinary. The feeling of adrenaline pumping in my heart and rattling in and out of my lungs was the best feeling i'd ever experienced.

Until they let the freak on the case.

Sherlock Holmes somehow correctly assumed that it was James and I. Of course, those weren't our names back then. I don't remember mine, but James was Thomas. Thomas Oskin I do believe.

We ran away together, and slowly but ever so surely fell deeply in love, which I suppose brings us to now.

I felt a mixture of feelings when I pushed John into Sherlocks vision. Part of me was proud. I'd kidnapped John for James, and now, as he promised, we'd be married.

The other part ached for the man that doomed me. I felt myself imagine seeing James in front of me, beaten and afraid. I shook that part of myself away at once. I knew the only thing I was capable of feeling was true, true love for James. And that was all I needed.

So when I felt that shock in my chest, and fell to the floor, I realised this statement was false. I felt panicked. I felt pained. But over all, I felt sad.

I'd never be married. Id never have the baby James always talked about. I'd never get my chance to live. I heard James scream my name, and the last thing I remember is my darling sobbing over my body.

Then everything went dark, and cold, and I felt weightless."



Did anyone feel the feels? No? Sorry ;)

Okay I hope you enjoyed the two mini chapters, we're not done yet!!! I was gonna put the 'life and death' chapters together but it seemed more effective to do it this way.

Have a good day Sherlockians *^_^*


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