11• Many Happy Returns [] 2

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This is the 40th part of this story! That is a hell of a lot of parts! Just a reminder if you find an error don't comment on it, I'll fix everything when the book is finished! Thanks,



"This is the best birthday I have ever had." Sherlock said, curled up on the sofa, John's head in his lap. John smiled.

"It's not over yet." He said, it was still light outside, but the sun was rapidly disappearing. Sherlock stoked John's blonde hair, and John typed at his laptop.

"What are you doing?" Sherlock asked, reading the words John was quickly typing.

"I'm writing up the last case. The one about the gardener." John said, he wasn't built for multi tasking. 'Holmes took the ring off of the deceased gardeners hand. To any other person, they may think it was an old ring, a few chips in it from his work... And the more complex of us may deduce that he was unhappily married, as he had removed the ring often enough not to get a tan line and it was so well polished on the inside, but Holmes...'

"Stop working John." Sherlock groaned. "You're an amazing writer, but this can wait."

"You're right. Plus, I have another surprise for you, Sherlock." John said, checking his watch. "We need to go now."

"What?" Sherlock asked, confused.

"Sorry Sherlock, but you really will need to be blind folded for this." John said, he took Sherlock by the arm and took a blindfold out the drawer. Sherlock raised his eyebrows. "Please Sherlock. It's important."

A short taxi drive later, Sherlock was guided out the car and into a brightly lit room. "Hi." John said. "He doesn't know so don't tell him what you're doing." Sherlock heard someone mumble in agreement. He wasn't thrilled with the blindfold. Sight was his most important sense. He could barely deduce a thing without his eyes. It smelt like some kind of beauty parlour. Sherlock sighed, he felt John's lips on his. "Be good." He whispered.

"I'm always good." Sherlock retorted.

"I'll see you there." John said. He winked at the beautician in the corner. "I'll be the one in white." Sherlock was confused by this, as a soft smelling woman took his arm and guided him to a seat.

"Hello Sherlock!" She said. Sherlock couldn't see, but he knew she had an annoying smile. "Now, we're not aloud to tell you what we're doing or where your going, but you've got to let us help you out. How we're going to do this i'll know. So, I'm Kate and this is Matthew."

"Hey!" A camp voice said from Sherlocks right.

"And we're just gonna give you a trim okay? Okay. Good." Kate said in a patronising tone.

About twenty minutes of pointless chatter later, Sherlock was guided to another room.

Sherlock hated the uncertainty of the whole event, but something John had said earlier kept playing around in his mind. "I'll be the one in white." What did that even mean? Sherlock had sensed excitement in his voice, yet nervousness as well. Why was John the only person he couldn't deduce with ease!

"What are you doing now?" Sherlock groaned as he heard coat hangers being pulled on a mental rack. The notice made him wince.

"Can you get dressed without sight or will we have to help you out?" Kate asked. Her short blonde bob bounced as she handed Sherlock a bundle of clothes. They felt new and expensive. Sherlock ran his hand over the bundle inquisitively. A suit.

"I was blind for a week after being on a case. I can manage." He boasted. But it wasn't as easy as Sherlock had imagined.


A short car ride later, Sherlock arrived at a garden. He could smell the scent of thousands of white roses. He narrowed his eyes beneath the blindfold. He felt a hand on his arm. "Hello Sherlock." It was Mary.

"Mary!" Sherlock said, both relieved and curious. "Please tell me what's going on." He begged. Mary smiled sadly.

"I wish I could, Sherlock. I'm sure you'll guess once you see yourself." She sighed. Sherlock felt the blindfold being taken off. His eyes were sensitive to the light at first, and then he found himself facing a full size mirror. He saw his curls had been handled and trimmed. His face looked clear and refreshed. And he was wearing... A wedding tux. His eyes widened as he looked to Mary. She was wearing a beautiful tight lavender dress that went down to her ankles. She had a basket of red rose petals in her hands.

"The wedding." Sherlock gasped. He smiled into the mirror.

"This is John's present." Mary smiled, taking Sherlocks hands in his. Sherlock beamed. "You look great." She commented. Irene came in, her hair was down and curled. She had a matching dress to Mary's but tighter and shorter.

"It's time." She said, she put her hand out for Sherlock to to take. He hesitated and took it. Sherlock felt overwhelmed by the situation. His birthday present was... His wedding? How had he not deduced that!? He squeezed Irene's hand as they stepped out the door into a garden. Sherlock saw rows of filled seats, all their friends and some of John's family. He noticed Mycroft in the front row, turning and smiling at him. The isle was decorated with red rose petals which Mary was scattering as she walked down the isle. Sherlock grabbed at Irene's hand. He saw the arch under which he was to be married. It was beautiful, decorated with white, red and black roses. Peering under it, Sherlock noticed his soon to be husband wasn't there. Oh god, Sherlock thought. He's making me go first, isn't he?

Sherlock but his lip as he felt Greg latch onto his arm. "Good luck, Consulting Detective." He breathed as the music from a harp in the corner began to play. Sherlock almost choked on pure oxygen as he felt Lestrade and Irene take a step.

This was it. This was all his life had been leading up to. "God dammit John." He whispered through nervous breaths. "Do you see what you do to me?"



Sherlarella you shall go to the ball. Chapter dedicated to Dan bc he is bae and helped me write :D



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