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That night, I stayed with Niall. We didn’t mention anything to his parents, we barely spoke to each other. We didn’t know what to say I guess, but it didn’t matter I was there for him and I think he was happy enough with that. I had texted Ciara to tell her something had come up at home and I wouldn’t be going back to her house. Thankfully she didn’t ask too many questions, so I didn’t have to tell too many lies. I slept in some of Niall’s clothes and we fell asleep, crying in one another’s arms.

The months flew by and with the weather improving as we edged closer to the summer, the times started to improve also. We didn’t tell too many people about Niall’s attempted suicide, just Liam, Ciara and Ms. Ryan, the guidance counsellor. He hadn’t even left a note for his family, only me. When Ms. Ryan found out, she suggested Niall go see a professional therapist. Both Niall and I agreed it would be a good idea. So we told Niall’s parents about his problems, but not the attempted suicide and they agreed to pay for a therapist.

Niall was genuinely seeming happier in himself. And this time he really was telling me exactly how he was feeling. It did mean that I got told to “Go away and leave me alone” or “You’re really annoying me today” a few times, but I’d asked for that so I couldn’t complain. Anyways, he’d always come back a while later when he’d be in a better mood and tell me he was sorry. And then everything would be really good again.

We are now after finishing our leaving cert and looking forward to starting college. In the end I think Niall got through the leaving cert better than I did. I think word got around the school about how Niall was having trouble and teachers seemed to help him that bit extra. It did mean he got them few rumours going around about him and the funny looks in the corridor. But Niall never let that kind of stuff get to him. Neither of us are really sure about what we’re going to do in college or where we’re going to do it. But we’ve had a few conversations about it and we’re going to try stay as close as possible to each other without letting it effect our education.

Sometimes I wonder about what my life would be like if I hadn’t went home that evening to get the DVD, or if I hadn’t reached the bridge on time. What if I was living without Niall. I just couldn’t even begin to imagine how dull my life would be without him. And I also wonder about what if Niall had jumped and I went in after him. Was I really ready to die? I had so much of my life left to live, I honestly don’t think I could have done it. And what about heaven? I know it’s supposed to be a better place, but the only better place is the place where you belong, and it’s up to God to decide when it’s your time to leave. I believe that things happen for a reason, and Niall was meant to live for a reason, he’s destined to do something with his life. Now’s his time to start living it!


And Voila! :D

That's it and I hope you've enjoyed it! :)

I really enjoyed writing it anyways! :)

I'd LOVE your feedback on the whole story so please get in contact! :)

Thanks sooooo much for reading! <3

Please, please, please, share this around, I would be eternally grateful! :)

Thank you and good night! :) x

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