Chapter Eighteen

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It was the day that Louis, Harry, Zayn, Amy and Rachel were leaving for college. We all decided to meet in the park and see them all off, And say our goodbyes. You’d swear they were going to the other side of the world, when in fact they were staying in the country and would be back most weekends, don’t mind at Christmas and stuff. But it was more the fact that everything was changing made us want to make this a big deal. I suppose you could say that we were saying our goodbyes to the old times and welcoming the new ones.

Louis was driving himself and Harry to Dublin, Zayn was driving himself and Rachel to Limerick and Amy’s dad was bringing her to Cork. He sat in the car and waited while we all said goodbye.

Amy went around to all of us, giving us a hug and saying goodbye. She strategically left Harry until last. I watched intently as they said goodbye and good luck. They definitely still loved each other, there was no denying that. They hugged one another so tightly, there was so much passion and love in that one hug. Amy finally pulled away slowly and made her way towards the car. Her dad got the engine fired up.

“Don’t forget about us when you make your new Cork friends!” Niall called after her.

She laughed slightly at this.

“Bye!” She half smiled and got into the car.

“Bye Amy!” We chorused.

And with that the car drove away down the road.

One down, four to go, I thought to myself.

Rachel and Zayn were the next to leave. That wasn’t a very emotional goodbye because they had each other and they were happy and therefore we were all happy.

When they left in Zayn’s car, it came to Harry and Louis’ turn to leave.

“Bye Harry, don’t go all slutty on us now that you’re single and in college!” I laughed whilst hugging him.

“Me?! Never!” He smirked.

Me and Harry were fine again, I don’t really know if anything happened to get him back to normal but it didn’t matter once we were all friends.

Harry continued around Niall, Liam and Ciara and Louis came to me.

We looked at each other awkwardly for a moment.

Louis spoke first.

“I think this is good, maybe the next time I see you I won’t feel like shit or want to punch Niall’s brains out! Maybe some space is all we need to get past this awkwardness.” Louis smiled.

“I couldn’t agree more!” I said pulling him in for a hug.

“Don’t forget about us, you hear me? We’re still good friends!” I added.

Louis pulled away.

“I don’t think I could forget about you if I tried!” He smirked then went to say good bye to Liam.

I was quite nervous about what would happen when he got to Niall, I watched closely just in case something did happen.

At first they were eyeing each other up and all I could think was “please don’t fight, please don’t fight.”

But suddenly Louis held out his hand for Niall to shake it. Niall looked at Louis’ hand as if there were some sort of hidden catch, but then decided it was safe and shook his hand. I smiled to myself knowing that things were already better between us all.

Harry and Louis got in the car and then speeded off down the road as we waved at them.

“Well then, it’s just us again…” I sighed.

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