Chapter Eight

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After Louis had called me beautiful, we went for a walk together. Neither of us felt like answering the questions we knew would be waiting for us if we went back out to all of our friends. Although I knew that I would have to face them at some point from Niall and Ciara. But I pushed them thoughts to the back of my mind while I concentrated on my time with Louis. We strolled along the beach, hand in hand. For most of the time, we didn’t speak, but it wasn’t an awkward kind of silence like it had been the previous day; it was a comforting silence. And I felt very safe as Louis held a tight grip on my hand. Every once in a while, Louis would tell me how sorry he was and that he’d never be like that again. It was nice to hear how much he cared, but he began to make me feel terrible for making him feel the need to apologise so much. We eventually had to make our way back to Niall’s granny’s house because it was time to head back to Mullingar.

When we returned back to the house, a lot of people’s attention was on me and Louis. Their faces all looking intrigued by our smiles and interested to know what had happened. But we quickly diverted the attention as we realised that we hadn’t brought out Ciara’s birthday cake… After all, she was the reason we had all come to Galway in the first place!

We brought out the sponge decorated in colourful icing to the back garden where Ciara was chatting to Rachel. We began to sing “Happy Birthday to you”, the boys sang very extravagantly while I just sang the normal chirpy version! We told her to blow out the candles and make a wish; and she did just that.

“You know what usually happens at birthday parties?” Liam smirked, edging closer to his girlfriend.

“What’s that now Liam?” she replied.

“BIRTHDAY BEATING!” Niall exclaimed.

“Well that too but that’s not what I’m talking about…stand in front of the birthday girl Niall.” Liam ordered as he stood behind her.

“BIRTHDAY BUMPS!” Liam laughed.

He quickly grabbed Ciara’s arms and Niall instinctively grabbed her legs. They swayed her over and back and up and down; while she screamed and squirmed about trying to be freed from their grip. All the while, us spectators were in the knots laughing at her, as was Niall and Liam. It was hilarious. They soon let her go and she scrambled to her feet and began hitting them playfully as she giggled away to herself.

We had to leave Galway at some stage unfortunately, so we cleaned up the house a bit, packed our bags and were on the long road home by 7 pm. It had been a strange but good 2 days. We had fights, laughter and tears but it was all well worth it.

 *2 weeks later*

The day had finally come; it was the day of Louis’ debs. Thankfully, Louis and I had no more fights since the one in Galway and we were going really well together.

Ciara and my cousin Sarah were coming to my house to help me get ready for the debs. Sarah was in training to be a beautician, she was 19 amd we were both fairly close, we shared almost everything with each other. That’s probably because at all family get-togethers, all the other kids are younger than us so we always stuck together. She was probably my first best friend. They arrived at my house around 11:00, and we got straight to work. We started with the fake tan because that was the most awkward thing, especially when you had pale skin like mine, it had to be perfect so it looked natural. Sarah did it all while Ciara stood back, instructing where it needed to be rubbed in and where there was streaks etc.

We sat and Ciara painted my nails while we waited for my tan to dry. I couldn’t move an inch in case I’d make a mess of my tan before it was properly dry!

“I have an amazing plan for tonight!” I stated.

Both Sarah and Ciara looked at me in confusion.

“Explain…” Sarah said sarcastically.

“Please don’t tell anyone if I tell ye?!” I asked.

They nodded together.

“Well I think I’m ready to…uhm… you know…with Louis…” They looked at me in disbelief.

I don’t know why but I suddenly felt awkward trying to tell my 2 best girlfriends that I was ready to go all the way with Louis. But I caught to the chase anyways.

“Well I booked a room in the Springhill- the hotel where the debs is on tonight- for us, as a surprise for Louis!” I grinned mischievously.

Sarah and Ciara looked at each other with a worried expression.

“What?” I asked concerned.

“Nothing…just be careful.” Ciara smiled.

“So anyways, my plan is to wait until he wants to go home which will be very late I realise but whatever, and I’m going to bring him up then!” I babbled away about the plan I was very proud of.

We got something to eat for lunch after the tan had dried. We were going to be getting a full dinner at the debs so I tried not to eat too much but I thought about it and realised that I’d still eat a full dinner even after a big lunch! I had such a big appetite, it wasn’t even funny! I think it’s all Niall’s fault, when he eats, I eat, therefore I eat quite a lot!

Then Sarah did my hair and makeup. She did my hair in a sort of messy do at the back, with a few loose curls falling around the side of my face. And she placed a small white flower on my head too. I wanted my make up to be very minimal, I wanted to look natural and not have a harsh face. So she went with the basics of foundation and then a small bit of a pale blue eye shadow, and a small bit of eye-liner and mascara, and of course a bit of lip gloss! I was ready now other than to get on the dress and accessories.

I was finally ready. I went downstairs to show my mam how I looked first. She smiled proudly and straight away I knew she approved. She gave me a giant hug and told me I looked beautiful. She was getting quite emotional which in turn made me emotional.

“Okay mam don’t cry because then I will and then my makeup will be a mess!” I warned.

She giggled and wiped a stray tear away from her eyes. I didn’t even know why she was getting emotional, I wasn’t leaving home or anything! Then dad, my brother and sister, my grannies and Ciara and Sarah joined us in the kitchen. It was such a big deal that everyone had to be there to see you all done up and ready to go to the debs. We went out to the garden to take a few family photos and stuff; then all we were waiting for was Louis to arrive. 

Helloooo :) 

So just gonna say the usuals, fan, vote, comment, share etc! :) 

Thank you, hope you enjoyed! Love yas! Mwah :) x

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