Actions Speak Louder Than Words (A One Direction Fan Fiction)

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Hey so, this is my first story on Wattpad, I have got another fan fiction that I posted using twitlonger, but decided to give this a go! :)

I hope you enjoy this, always tell me what you think and stuff, and please spread it around, share with all your friends on twitter and facebook and whatever.

My twitters are @1D_Eire and @Jennifer_Norris so give us a tweet whenever you like!

Btw, I am Irish, and this story is based in Ireland, some of the facts have been twisted to fit the story, so don't be like "Omg she's wrong!" I know a lot of it is made up. And also some of the slang and that might be different to the english you know, so I'll always let you know what different kinds of words mean.

So here's the prologue, chapters will be longer in future, and enjoy! :)


Niall and I had been best friends since we were 4 years old, we were put sitting together on the first day in junior infants in the national school in Mullingar. We have been inseparable since, the “Troublesome Pair” as our parents used to call us! We did everything together, we played together, we got in trouble together, and we did school work together. The worry for us was always that we would drift apart someday, especially when we left primary school. Niall had promised that we would always stick together, no matter what, but I knew it wasn’t going to be cool for Niall to be hanging around with me when we went to secondary school.

Unfortunately, we did drift apart a small bit. We stopped telling each other everything, we used to have no secrets and knew every little detail about one another. But that changed for a period of time in first year, Niall didn’t keep his promise and he became friends with the new boys he met in Coláiste Mhuire, Mullingar, and we didn’t spend as much time with each other. Although, We were never, not, friends; every once in a while we’d have a chat and mess about and stuff, but it wasn’t the same. I felt that we would never be the two peas in a pod that we once were again, and that upset me.

But during the Christmas holidays of first year that all changed again. Something changed in Niall again, something must have suddenly clicked with him, because one day I got an unexpected call to my house. Niall had showed up to my house with a Christmas present, saying that he was sorry and that he wanted to be friends again. You’d swear the way he was going on that he was after doing something horrible and that we were boyfriend and girlfriend, but we never even considered that. Niall was like a brother to me, I never even imagined him to be my boyfriend. But I wasn’t complaining about his big apology, I had really missed my best friend and I just wanted things to go back the way they used to be.

Ever since that day, we have been inseparable once again, two peas in a pod, the troublesome pair. I love Niall, he is my best friend and I never want that to change again! I’m Jennifer, by the way, and this is my story.

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