Chapter Sixteen

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*Useful Meanings*

Supermacs = Irish fast food chain, like McDonalds

It was 6:20 and I was ready for my first date with Niall; it seemed really weird saying I was going on a date with him. Of course I didn’t tell my parents it was a date, I just told them we were going bowling, I just hoped they didn’t notice the extra effort I was putting in to look good. I had spent almost a half an hour tackling my hair with the straightener, I loved when my hair was properly straight but it did take a lot of effort to get it that way. I didn’t go over the top with my clothes though, after all, I still had to be me. So I just wore skinny jeans, converse and a blue Hollister hoody. I put on a minimal amount of makeup just in case we would have any “up-close-and-personal” moments, I didn’t want Niall to see all my imperfections.

At 6:25 Niall arrived at my house, he knocked but didn’t wait for me to answer it as usual and just walked in.

“Hello.” I greeted from the hallway.

“Hey.” He smiled.

He was looking very handsome, wearing baggy jeans, a red polo shirt and white supras.

My mam was in the kitchen so I couldn’t hug him or anything unfortunately.

“I’m off mam!” I called into the kitchen.

“Okay, I’ll see you later, have fun!” she replied and Niall and I left, shutting the door firmly behind us.

Once we were outside my gate Niall grabbed hold of my hand; it felt really nice to have someone holding my hand. It was a nice evening, the sun was still shining brightly and for once it looked like there was no sign of rain so we would make it to and from town dry, hopefully.

“We’re going to have to tell our parents soon.” Niall stated.

“I know, but imagine how awkward it’ll be... and they’ll probably get all weird over it.” I worried.

“You had no problem telling them about Louis…” Niall said and I wasn’t sure if that was meant to be hurtful or not, so I decided to take it as a fair point.

“That was different, I hadn’t been best friends with him for literally my whole life before we went out. I hadn’t slept in the same bed as him or seen him as a naked 8 year old!” I laughed at all the fond memories of our childhood.

Niall seemed to cringe at the thoughts though.

“Don’t worry!” I laughed. “You saw me naked when I was 8 too… so we’re even!”

“Those were good times weren’t they?!” Niall smiled inwardly.

“Yeah they were…do you ever wish we could just go back to those times? Like when everything was easy and we didn’t have any worries?” I reminisced.

Niall nodded and smiled. We were after reaching the Dublin bridge, and suddenly memories of our first kiss came flooding through my mind. It had only been a couple of days earlier but to me it felt like a lifetime ago.

“Well actually…” Niall interrupted my thoughts.

“Back then I wasn’t able to do this…” he said.

He put his index finger beneath my chin and tilted my head so I was looking straight into his blue eyes. Had I gone back in time? Was I back to our first kiss? Or was this different? Maybe I was dreaming…

He leaned in and kissed my lips softly, I returned the kiss and realised that I was definitely not dreaming. This was real and Niall had suddenly become the most romantic person I had ever come across. More romantic than John Tyree in Dear John, and he gave me more butterflies in my stomach than the famous Mr. D’arcy in Pride and Prejudice.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words (A One Direction Fan Fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin