Chapter Twenty-Three

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After quite a bit of persuasion, Niall got me to go out with him New Years Eve. I had heard he got a bit messy on St. Stephans day and so I was glad that I didn’t go with him that night. I thought maybe New Years would be different though, since it’s such a special night, a night I always associated with romance, I thought maybe Niall would behave like his old self. I got ready at Ciara’s house, we both got done up really nice and put a big effort in to look good. Our aim was sexy, yet beautiful, and I think we pulled it off. We met Liam and Niall in the pub and said we’d decide what to do from there.

After a few drinks in the pub, which were clearly not Niall’s first few drinks of the evening, we headed to the club where most people our age were going. The club was full of young people, many of whom were falling about the place and dancing crazily. But there was a good vibe in there, a kind of care free vibe that I liked. Myself and Ciara went out dancing; Ciara had obviously had a few drinks, but I didn’t mind, I was quite the dancer, and since everybody else was pissed, nobody would remember that I was dancing the next day so it was a win-win situation!

The dance floor was packed and the neon lights were beaming down on us. We started dancing with random strangers who were up for the craic, and soon enough I didn’t care to worry about Niall, I was having a good time and I was glad he wasn’t ruining my night out for the first time in a while.

I started dancing with one guy, he was kind of hot, I recognised him from around town but he didn’t go to our school. He got a bit too touchy-feely with me and I was going to tell him to back-off but then I thought, he wasn’t doing anything that was bothering me and we were only dancing so what’s the harm? I continued dancing with him for a few minutes until we heard a loud voice bellow above the music.


We turned around to see Niall storming through the crowds towards us.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” he screamed at the guy I had been dancing with.

“Dancing with this bird and why the fuck would that concern you?!” he spat back.

“Because that “bird” is MY girlfriend.” Niall said, putting a lot of emphasis on the word “my”.

The guy let out a slight chuckle which made Niall’s face look even more angry.

“Well then you’d want to get your bitch in line because she was having no problems with me feeling her up!” I was gob smacked! The cheek of him!

I could see Niall’s face in the dim light, I could see the anger build up in his eyes, it kind of scared me, I’d never seen Niall that angry before.

“Say that once more…” Niall said, much quieter, yet loud enough to be heard above the music.

You could still hear the anger in his voice. He slowly walked towards the guy and I knew what Niall would do if he repeated it, but I felt paralyzed, I didn’t know what to do, so I just stood there, mouth wide open.

“What? That your bitch had no problem with me feeling her up?” The guy feigned stupidity.

The anger seemed to explode from Niall and with a swift swing of an arm Niall’s fist met the guy’s jaw with a lot of force.

The guy wasn’t going to let that slide and so connected his fist with Niall’s eye. In a matter of seconds the pair had knocked each other to the ground and were wrestling. I didn’t know what to do, I wasn’t strong enough to pull Niall away, so I just stood there screaming at him to stop before he got hurt badly.

Soon enough, Liam, along with two other guys from our year, intervened and stopped the fight, Liam pulled Niall up while the other two got rid of the other guy. Niall’s lip was bleeding and his eye was already beginning to bruise.

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