Chapter Twenty-Seven

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It was Saturday morning and I was awoken by the sound of my phone vibrating against the wooden bedside locker. I felt around for it and checked the caller ID through squinted eyes. Ciara.

“Hello.” I answered groggily.

“Good morning Mrs. Sleepyhead!” Ciara laughed down the phone.

Why was she always so cheerful in the morning?

“What do you want?” I got straight to the point.

“Well somebody’s after getting out of the wrong side of the bed.” She was purposely rising me.

“I’m not even out of bed yet!” I growled.

“Well I just wanted to know did you want to meet up in the park today, it’s a nice day out!” Ciara asked.

“With who?” I asked warily.

“Just me and Liam, don’t worry, we just miss you!” she said.

“I spent time with ye all week?” I said confusedly.

“You haven’t been yourself all week Jennifer, please just come along. Niall suggested we should meet up without him anyways!” She begged.

I was really confused as to what was going on but agreed to go nonetheless.

“Okay fine.” I sighed.

“Yes! Okay, park in an hour?” she asked delightfully.

“Make it 2 hours?” I said thinking that there was no way I’d be there in an hour.

“Okay so, see you then!” She said and I could tell she was beaming.

It was coming up to half twelve when I was reaching the park. I’d managed to get up, have breakfast, shower and get ready on time and was at the park dead on time.

Liam and Ciara were already on our bench, I was feeling like a third wheel already. They were all snuggled up to one another and it made me want to scream, cry, get sick, I don’t know, I just didn’t like it.

“Hey.” I said awkwardly when they were mid kissing session.

“You know public displays of affection are frowned upon in public parks?” I said seriously.

Liam and Ciara looked up and smiled awkwardly at me.

“No they’re not.” Ciara retorted but she looked unsure.

“No, but they should be!” I said with a look of disgust, but couldn’t help but grin when I saw the look of relief on their faces.

“She’s back!” Ciara cheered as she attacked me with a hug.

“I told you, I wasn’t gone anywhere.” I said.

“Whatever you say…” Ciara said laughing.

I sat down on the grass opposite the bench and Liam and Ciara joined me. The weather was quite nice for early January. It was cold but I was well covered up and it was dry so it was nice.

“So what’s really going on?” I asked suspiciously, thinking they had to have an ulterior motive.

“What do you mean?” Liam looked as confused as I was feeling.

“Why did you really want to meet me?”

“I told you on the phone!” Ciara exclaimed. “We’ve missed you, and don’t try say you were yourself all week because you weren’t, you’ve been almost as bad as Niall…” She covered her mouth as though she was after saying something she shouldn’t have said.

“What do you mean “almost as bad as Niall”?” I questioned raising an eyebrow.

“Crap, I shouldn’t have said anything…”

Liam glared at Ciara, obviously she had said something wrong. Then he shrugged before speaking.

“Erm, Niall misses you…” he said.

Not as much as I miss him I bet.

“I mean, really misses you, he hasn’t been the same at all since.” Liam stated.

“What? I knew he was quieter when I was around, but I thought it was just awkwardness.” I voiced my thoughts accidentally.

“Ha!” Liam laughed a fake obnoxious laugh. “He was at his best when you were around!” Ciara nodded in agreement.

“And he’s told us everything.” Ciara added.

How could he tell them everything, when he could barely tell me? More to the point, how had he the confidence to tell them when I didn’t?

“What? How did he tell ye?” I asked, shocked.

“He wasn’t going to, but we said it might help him with you and he spilled everything.” Ciara replied giving Liam a confused look.

“How bad has he been?” I asked, hoping he wasn’t feeling as bad as I was feeling without him.

“He’ll only ever talk to us if we’re talking about you and he’ll only pay attention when your name is mentioned…” Then he looked at Ciara, and as if they were communicating telepathically, Ciara nodded and he turned back to me.

“We went over to his house last night, just to see how he was doing and… he had been crying, we didn’t even need to ask why…” Liam’s explanation was interrupted by Ciara.

“He fell into my arms straight away and told me he needed you!”

Wow, this was all so overwhelming, Niall acting quiet and crying all because of me. I never thought I’d have this kind of impact on anybody don’t mind my best friend.

I nodded looking at the ground, shamefully remembering the events of the previous night. While Niall had been crying over me, I was fooling around with my ex-boyfriend; Niall’s friend.

“He hasn’t touched a drink since that night either...” Liam added softly.

I looked up and felt tears prick the back of my eyes. I felt so terrible, like I needed to be washed in boiling water to remove the filth that I had caused.

“What should I do?” I asked, tears beginning to flow.

“We didn’t bring you here to tell you what to do, we honestly just wanted to hang out with you. So it’s up to yourself to make the next move, just do what feels right, go with your gut instinct!” Ciara smiled and Liam nodded in agreement.

I nodded, taking everything in. No way was I going to tell them about my encounter with Louis the previous night, that would only be told on a need-to-know basis.

“You don’t need to decide now, so can we please just hang out and try talk about other things?” Liam suggested.

I nodded, wiping away my tears and pulling as genuine a smile as I could muster up.

We did exactly that, we went to the chipper, and we talked about everything and anything. Liam and Ciara carefully avoided Niall being brought up in conversation although I could tell it was hard. We talked about how the rest of the lads were getting on in college and when we spoke about Louis, I felt so awkward but I think I hid it well because they didn’t seem to notice anything.

I was so grateful to have these two amazing friends and I felt slightly guilty for messing up our group on them. A part of me also wished we could go back in time to when Niall was just my friend, because then none of this drama would be happening and he’d be here too. But who was I kidding, I loved Niall, and we’d never be “just friends” again.

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love ya's <3 mwah

Actions Speak Louder Than Words (A One Direction Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें