Chapter Fifteen

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*The Next Day*

I was meeting up with Amy for a coffee in town. Luckily the whole thing with Louis hadn’t ruined our friendship.

Louis hadn’t returned to the park the previous day and I hadn’t spoken to him or anyone else, since I went home, about it. Harry had continued to be cold with me and it was starting to bug me. He kept ignoring me and I caught him sending a few dirty looks in my direction. That was partly the reason I had asked to meet Amy, I wanted to meet up with some of the girls for a girly chat and that way I could find out if she knew anything about why Harry was acting that way.

“Hey!” Amy beamed as she approached the table I was sitting at.

“Hiya!” I smiled and she sat down in the seat opposite mine.

This café was one of our favourite places in town, it had the nicest hot chocolate EVER, in my opinion and the chocolate muffins were amazing…okay I’m a bit of a chocoholic, but what harm?!

We ordered our usual, I got the hot chocolate and a muffin and Amy got a latte and a cookie.

“So how are you?” Amy asked.

“I’m good, you?”

“Great! So how’s Niall?” she winked, she could be so childish sometimes.

“Well he seemed fine when he texted me this morning, so I’m sure he’s good!” I smiled at the thought of his cute text I got that morning.

“ooohh what did he say this morning?!”

“Just said good morning beautiful!” I giggled at how cheesy it was and yet it put a huge smile on my face.

“Awh you two are adorable together, I actually can’t believe it though it seems right that ye should be together and yet it’s still really weird…” Amy laughed. “Does that even make sense?” she looked confused.

I laughed.

“Perfect sense!”

“Hey Amy, has Harry said anything about me or Louis since yesterday?” I asked seriously.

Her facial expression also changed to a more serious one.

“Well… I don’t know if I’m meant to say anything…” she said, concentrating on the cookie she was nibbling on.

“I take that as a yes…”

She nodded slowly.

“Come on, I’m sure you can tell me whatever it is. It’s just really annoying me because Harry is being really off with me and I don’t know why, he didn’t even say much after he went after Louis, I just don’t have a clue what’s going on.” I explained.

Amy looked back up and smiled slightly.

“Okay… it’s not that much really. It’s just that Louis is acting really strange and Harry doesn’t know if he’s angry or upset or if he just doesn’t give a fuck. In my opinion he definitely does give a fuck or he wouldn’t have acted that way yesterday…”

“How is he acting? Do you know?” I asked, intrigued.

“Not really, Harry just said one minute he’s pissed off at himself for being so stupid to let you go, and next minute he’s pissed off at Niall because he’s jealous of him for having you…”

I nodded, taking in all the information.

“I think the only reason Harry is acting strange around you is because he feels sorry for you because Louis is being a complete asshole, but his loyalty lies with Louis so he doesn’t want to go against him… I don’t know for sure if that’s the reason now but that’s what I gather from what he’s said.” Amy finished.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words (A One Direction Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora