Chapter Seven

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I awoke late enough the next morning, after finally getting to sleep, long after Louis began snoring. I lazily opened my eyes, initially being blinded by the rays of sun coming in through the crack in the curtains. After taking a couple of seconds to adjust to the light, all the thoughts off the previous night came rushing back. I quickly turned to find that Louis was no longer in the bed with me. My first thoughts as usual were always the worst, Where had he gone? Was he after leaving me? But then I started to think rationally and looked at the clock. The red figures on the digitalised screen read 10:36. It was gone half 10; maybe Louis was just up already and downstairs having breakfast or something, while I worried that he was gone.

So I hopped out of bed and threw on whatever clothes were closest to hand then jogged down the stairs of the small house and burst through the kitchen doors to find just Liam, Ciara, Harry and Amy in there. They were happily munching away on their toast quietly and got quite a fright after my burst through the door. I wasn’t in the mood for talking to any of them so I quickly left again and had a peek out the front door, only to realise that Louis’ car was no longer parked outside the quaint little house. I slowly closed the door and sighed heavily. Did he really leave without saying goodbye? I thought. Without giving me any chance to make things better?  I didn’t know what to do, so I just stood there, staring blankly at the retro inspired wallpaper of the hallway.

Niall walked sluggishly out of the sitting room, stretching his arms high up above his head. He was about to open the kitchen door when he noticed me standing by the front door.

“Hey.” He smiled sympathetically.

“He’s gone…” I stated simply.

“What?” Niall asked shocked.

“He wasn’t there when I woke up and his car is gone.” I explained.

“No way!” Niall exclaimed.

There was a brief silence.

“Are you sure? I mean did you ask the lads? Maybe he’s just gone to the shop or something.” Niall said not believing that Louis would have just left.

I shook my head.

“Well then do.” He insisted.

“But then they’ll start asking questions and I really don’t want to talk about it.” I complained.

“Just don’t answer them so.” Niall laughed half-heartedly.

I gave Niall a look that only he understood, it meant “will you do it pleeeeeease!”

He rolled his eyes up to heaven, then turned and opened the kitchen door. He stuck his head in the gap and spoke.

“Hey lads do any of ye know where Louis is?”

“He left a while ago, he was really annoyed or something. He just said he had to get out of here for a while, and that he’d be back later.” I could hear Harry inform Niall.

“Did something happen between him and Jennifer or something?” I heard Liam add in.

I knew they would ask questions.

“Just a little…misunderstanding is all.” Niall replied.

I was so thankful to always have Niall on my side.

“See he’s not gone completely, he’ll be back soon I’m sure.” Niall smiled as he returned to me in the hall.

I nodded. I really hoped he was right. I hoped that Louis would come back soon and that everything would be back to normal.

“Now can we go get some breakfast ‘cause I am bloody starving!” Niall exclaimed.

“You’re always starving!” I laughed as we both headed into the kitchen together.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words (A One Direction Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now