Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A few weeks went by and me and Niall stayed strong, together. Niall continued to go to Ms. Ryan about his problems and he spoke to me about everything now and again. It felt so nice to know that he was comfortable with me knowing every detail about him. I know if it were me in his position I’d tell him everything too because I trust him with my life. But Niall is different, he’d always been kind of closed off about his own emotions and it wasn’t really until the night of our debs that I had really seen Niall show emotion.

It was the end of February: the second most dreaded time of the year when you’re in sixth year: Mocks! Everyone dreaded the mock exams because it was probably the time you realised you haven’t been doing enough and you have so little time left to do so much work. Well that’s how I felt about the mocks, but I worried about Niall more. I was afraid that if he was as stressed as he was after the Christmas exams, things could get really bad after the mocks. But luckily enough, he seemed to be handling it all very well. On the outside anyways he looked really calm about the whole situation and I thought seen as how he had gotten so good at expressing his feelings to either myself or Ms. Ryan, that he would let us know if he was having a hard time of it. At least that’s what I hoped.

The mocks went well in the end anyways for me. I felt like I had done as well as I could possibly have done, and I felt I had done myself justice in each of the papers. But I worried as usual that I wouldn’t be thinking the same way when I was getting my results! Okay so I might as well admit it, I was a bit of a swat! But I just strived to be the best, there’s no harm in that, and I never got bullied for it because I was always surrounded by competitive people so all was good.

The Friday evening when the mock exams had finished, the usual thing was to go out on the town for the night. But Niall had said no way was he going out because he worried he’d get sucked into the whole drinking scene again. So then Ciara and I had decided not to bother going out either because it was so much hassle to go out. So instead I went over to Ciara’s house for the night and we had a girly night in with no boys and no drama, just like it used to be.

I arrived at Ciara’s around half 5 after going home to grab a few things quickly after school.

We had made ourselves some dinner (ie. We put a pizza in the oven) and were sitting flicking through the music channels in the sitting room.

“How’s Niall doing?” Ciara asked out of nowhere.

I had been keeping Ciara and Liam up-to-date as much as possible on Niall. They were as worried as I was so they deserved to know how he was getting on. Of course I wouldn’t tell them anything Niall wouldn’t want me to tell them, but they understood that themselves.

“Good I think.” I said with a hint of surprise in my tone. “Like he’s talking to somebody about whatever his problem is the whole time now and he seems to be so much happier in himself, you know?” I explained.

Ciara nodded.

“I’m so happy for you, you two deserve to be happy together!” she cooed.

“Thanks.” I smiled awkwardly.

There was a brief silence before Ciara shot her head back towards me from the television screen. Good Time by Carly Rae Jepsen and OwlCity was playing away in the background.

“Do his parents know about anything that’s going on?” She asked, wide eyed.

I shook my head.

“He won’t tell them, he made me and Ms. Ryan promise not to tell them about it, he seems determined to fix this without them so as they’ll never know the difference. I tried to change his mind but you know him, he gets an idea and there’s no changing his mind.” I explained.

Ciara nodded.

“Is Ms. Ryan allowed to keep it from them?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I haven’t a clue!” I shrugged.

The conversation ended there and Ciara picked up the remote again to continue flicking through the endless amount of music channels on her television. She stopped on Bliss TV where the programme was entitled “Top 50 Movie Greats”. The song playing was Time Of My Life, the one from Dirty Dancing. We watched the full video with all the scenes from the movie.

“Awh I love that film so much!” Ciara beamed.

“I know, so do I!” I exclaimed.

“I really want to watch it now.” She moaned when the song ended.

“I have it on DVD!” I smiled brightly.

“Do you have it with you?” Ciara asked disbelievingly.

“No, but I could go home for it!”

Ciara looked excited.

“Okay, you go home for the DVD and I’ll go to the shop for some goodies!”


We both hopped up from our seats, I grabbed my jacket and my keys, threw on my shoes and headed down the road. It was only seven o clock so there was still a bit of daylight in it.

I reached home by 7:20 and as I approached my gate I noticed somebody walking out of my gate.

“Niall?” I questioned.

“Jennifer!...” Niall seemed startled by my presence. “Wh- What are you doing here? Your mam said you were at Ciara’s for the night?” Niall seemed a little on edge.

“I’m just picking up something to bring over to CIara’s.” I explained passively. “But what are you doing here?” I asked.

“I just ehm…I just… I came over to see you.” he stuttered.

Something was not right.

“Oh? What about?” I asked.

“Nothing much. I ehm… I better go…” he said.

“Hey, I’m sure Ciara wouldn’t mind you coming over for a little while?” I suggested.

“No… No it’s fine, I have some things to do.” He said warily.

There was something seriously wrong with Niall, I’d never seen him act so cagey. He looked different too, his eyes weren’t sparkling the way they normally would and he sure as hell wasn’t smiling at all.

“Okay… Niall are you okay?” I questioned worriedly.

“Yeah I’m alright.” He said, but I could sense he wasn’t.

He was there, but his mind was somewhere else.

Suddenly he walked towards me, throwing his arms around me and kissing me with so much passion, I’d never felt anything like it. It was as though he was trying to tell me something, but just couldn’t place what it was. I felt so much need in his kiss, so much desire and yes, love. He slowly pulled away from me.

“I love you Jennifer, more than anything.” And with that he walked off, leaving me stunned frozen in my own front garden.

Almost there! :D

hope you like it! :)

Thanks for reading! :)

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