Chapter Nineteen

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I closed the door behind us when we entered my bedroom.

“Feels good now that they know, doesn’t it?” he said, smiling.

“I suppose so.” I nodded.

He came over and grabbed my two hands and kissed me tenderly. It was a nice kiss, I felt safe and at home in it. Suddenly Niall pulled away, his expression was very serious.

“I meant what I said you know?”

“What?” I asked confusedly.

“I promise I’ll never hurt you.” He was staring deep into my eyes.

I felt intimidated by how serious he was being. I sighed and made my way over to sit on the edge of my bed. Niall remained standing his eyes not leaving me.

“Niall, we get into relationships knowing there’s a very good chance of coming out of it hurt. But I don’t mind, I just want to enjoy the moment, and let the future take its course.”

After my philosophical speech Niall smiled and kneeled down in front of me.

“Okay, well as of now, I plan on never hurting you and I will always look after you.” he said with a grin on his face.

I giggled, then he turned serious again. We stared deep into one another’s eyes for what felt like a lifetime.

“I love you Jennifer.” He whispered.

His voice was barely audible but I heard him all right, I had definitely heard what he said.

Suddenly, I was stuck, stuck in the one position, stuck for words, stuck in a trance.

When I was 14, I thought I was “in love” with my first boyfriend. Truth is he was hardly a boyfriend, we barely ever talked so he was just kind of the boy I liked. I said I loved him and as soon as he “broke up” with me. I regretted it all completely. Looking back on that relationship it was the biggest mistake of my life. I promised myself that I’d never tell another person I loved them unless I was completely sure that I did. I was going to have to think for a long time before I could say it, but now Niall had put me on the spot so unexpectedly.

He was looking into my eyes, expecting me to return the phrase, but I couldn’t. I wasn’t ready to say it but I didn’t want to hurt Niall either.

Eventually Niall moved on from the topic.

“I should get home now, mam will be wondering where I’m gone, she said I was to have lunch at home.” He stood up.

I was still speechless. I nodded, not moving from my position on the bed.

He bent down and kissed my cheek before exiting my room. A moment or so later I heard the front door shut.

“SHIT SHIT SHIT!” I scolded myself.

Niall was upset or pissed off at me, I don’t know which but either way it was bad. Was I ready to say it? Did I love him? Was it too soon? These along with plenty of other questions whizzed around my brain. I couldn’t find the answers for any of them so I decided maybe I should have a nap and maybe when I woke up I’d have a better idea of my feelings.

So that’s what I did, I lid down on my bed and quickly fell into a relaxing sleep.

 *The Next Evening*

I rang the doorbell at Niall’s house, holding a big take away pizza box in my hand.

I hadn’t talked to him since the previous day; I didn’t even get my daily good night and good morning texts. I was really worried, what if I had ruined this in us? I didn’t know what I was going to do but I knew I had to do something to fix this.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words (A One Direction Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now