Chapter One

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* Leaving cert/ Leaving Certificate = A Levels, final exams in school.

* Debs = Prom

I was studying in my room, when I was interrupted by a knock on my door.

“Who…” I was about to ask who was there but the person on the other side didn’t wait for me to answer.

Niall waltzed into my bedroom, looking unusually cheery.

“What’s the point in knocking if you’re just gonna walk in anyways?”

“Dunno!” Niall shrugged and plonked himself down on my bed.

“So is there a reason you’re here? Because like we have exams next week and I’m determined to do well because if I don’t study now I’ll have so much more to do next year!” I ranted as I panicked.

“Why are you so worried? It’s just fifth year summer tests… no biggie!” Niall always had a carefree attitude towards school, as against my attitude where I have to do everything and do it right.

But it wasn’t like he failed everything and did no work, he had a good head on him and he did the bare minimum of work that got him by.

“It’s alright for you, you know what you want to do for the rest of your life, and in all honesty, you don’t need much education for singing! Like I have no skills to fall back on if I fail the leaving cert!” I moaned. Niall I knew had a good singing voice and though he never really talked about it, I knew he had an interest in pursuing it further.

“Hey it’s a lot harder to get by in the music industry than in the business world!” Niall snapped.

“Sorry…” I mumbled, feeling bad for putting down his dreams.

“It’s grand… and believe me, you won’t fail the leaving cert, you can’t fail after doing as much work as you have!” he reassured me. “Now to answer your first question, I came here to tell you my big news!” he beamed.

“Oh yeahh please do, take my mind off this stress!”

“Well lets just say you’re not the only one who got an invite to the debs!” Niall smiled cheekily.

“What?!” I exclaimed.

“A certain Jane Foley asked me to go with her!” he smiled.

“I’m so proud! Awhhh!” I jumped up and gave him a hug.

“Jeese chillax, I’m still the cooler one!”

“Heeeey!” I whined, but it was true. Niall had always been more popular than me, but that hasn’t been a problem for a good while now.

“Anyways, what’s the story with you and Mr.Tomlinson? Are you with him or what?” Niall asked, looking for a bit of gossip.

“Ah not really… well I don’t know, like, I like him but, I don’t think he likes me that way. I think I was just a safe option for the debs invite. But hey, I’m not complaining, I’m going to the debs with him aren’t I?!” I forced a smile.

Louis Tomlinson was probably the most popular boy in school. He was head boy, everyone liked him, students and teachers alike. He was hilarious and had this amazing personality. You never saw anybody with him and they weren’t laughing or smiling! But along with all that, me as well as 90% of the other girls in school thought he was gorgeous. He had brown hair that swept nicely across his forehead. His bright blue eyes complimented his slightly tanned skin. That was the reason why; when two weeks previous, he had asked me to go to his debs, I was slightly taken aback. I mean why on earth would Louis Tomlinson want me to go to the debs with him?

“Ah well I’m sure something will work out with ye! And if it doesn’t, I’ll go beat him up k?!”

“Ah not k, no offence Nialler but Louis would beat the crap out of you!” I laughed.

“Yeah I wouldn’t go getting into a fight with the most popular lad in school!” Niall laughed.

“Good! Now are you gonna stay much longer because I really should get back to studying?!”

“Well I haven’t anything better to be doing…” Niall lid down on my bed and made himself comfortable.

“Get out!” I shouted and pulled him off the bed and dragged him towards the door.

“Well I feel loved…” Niall complained.

“Sorry but this isn’t a time for love! Go home and study for yourself! Love ya really k byebyebye!” I shoved him out and shut the door.

Finally I could get back to doing some study, but I knew I wasn’t going to get much study done after the conversation I just had with Niall. I couldn’t get Louis off my mind. So I thought I’d give him a text.


-Hey Lou :) how’s study going? how long’s left now till the big LC? :P

I got a reply fairly soon after.


-S’up ;) not too good tbh, starting to really stress out now! :/ 12 days now! :( really nervous now!


-Awh don’t worry I’m sure it’ll be fine, you’ll do great! :)


-thanks, I hope so! :) you doing anything Saturday? :)


-My plan was just to study…should be yours too! :P why?


-We should do something, what do ya think? :) we need a break from study don’t ya think?! :P


-I suppose it wouldn’t go astray.. What did you have in mind? :)


-I don’t know… but I’ll come over to yours around 4? :)


-Sounds good :) cya then! :)

This was good, maybe Saturday would be the day when I figure out if me and Louis had anything, if there was any possibility of us getting together, or was I just the girl he was going to bring to the debs? Who cares if we were both supposed to be studying… YOLO! But sometimes it’s easier to say YOLO than act like YOLO!

Heey :) 

Hope you enjoyed! Be sure to tell me what you think, become a fan and share, share, share! :)

Thank youuuuu! :) x

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