Chapter 59: Surprise in the Poop Sandwich

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Chapter 59: Surprise in the Poop Sandwich

"Here come the officers." Ping nudged Gwen. "And here come the adoring fans."

Gwen scanned the combat field. True enough, spectators were gathering along the perimeter. That wasn't unusual, CFTs usually attracted a crowd. But usually the crowd was comprised of students that came to cheer on their classmates and fuel the Fantasian-Viking rivalry.

This time the crowd was bigger.

"Fan girls." Ping smiled at the line of I LOVE JAK TRITON posters, "The one group of people with higher standards than gay men."

"And most obsessive," added Gwen.  "For goodness sake."

Together they watched the fans. Six extremely giggly girls lead the pack. 

Gwen made a face. "Aren't those the Triton sisters?"

"Yes ma'am!" said Ping, counting off the three pairs of Triton Twins by name. "Aqua, Laguna, Hydra, Orca, Marella, Marilla. Mermaids six, daughters of Arista Triton and Captain Eric of the Royal Fantasian Navy!"

"They're blowing kisses at him." Gwen grimaced. "They're first cousins, aren't they? Isn't that incest?"

"Not when you're a Triton," said Ping, "Incest runs large in the Triton family. Cousins marry all the time."

"That's not true."

"Oh it's true."

"That's not healthy genetics."

"But they do it."


"To preserve the mer lineage. The Triton Family is descended from mer, so they intermarry to keep the blood pure." Ping admired the girls' pouty lips and shimmering hair. " It's startling how perfect those girls came out."

Gwen rolled her eyes. "You're so vain."

"Not vain, just appreciative. Regardless..." Ping tightened his bun, "Jak Triton should run far far away from those girls. They are bee-otches!"

Gwen couldn't agree more. Hydra and Orca were in her year, and she avoided them at all cost. They were fake, loud, and depended way too much on their looks to get through life. 

"Why are we still waiting?" Gwen dug her feet into the ground. Impatiently, she watched Admiral Triton push the crowd to a safe viewing distance. 

"Spectators shouldn't be allowed," she complained. "This combat fitness test is part of our grade. They wouldn't allow spectators into the classroom if we were taking a test, would they?"

"No." Ping answered, perfecting his bun. 

"Well why should they let people watch now?"

"Agreed." muttered Drake, who had been eavesdropping alongside his sister. He and Electra glared at the spectators. "Our dragons are getting restless."

Gwen and Ping followed Drake's gaze. 

The Vikings' dragons had settled on an archway approximately one-half mile into the race. The archway was a memorial of sorts, commemorating something called 'The War Games' that had occurred prior to The Battle to Take Fantasia. Gwen had no idea what the War Games were, but her Uncle John once told her they had been an "important turning point in modern Fantasian history" so "she better appreciate the memorial."

Whatever. The War Games were over, and now the commemorative archway was spectator stand- slash- temporary dragon nesting ground.

Gwen just wanted to run.

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