Chapter 104: One Big Happy Family

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Chapter 104: One Big Happy Family

Melody and Elvis saw each other and freaked out.

"Melokia!" yelled Elvis.

"Dude!" Melody yelled .

"Melokia did you hear ? Mom and Dad said we're –"



"Cuz power!"

"Cuz power!"

"Dance party!"

"Beat up the beat!"

Elvis flipped over his ukulele and sang into it like a microphone. "Everybody dance nowwwwwwwwww!"

Apparently, this was a command. 

As Elvis sang, Melody threw down her backpack and launched into a hip-hop routine. Sarah tried to redirect her, but failed. When a song literally told everybody to dance now, Melody obeyed. It was music law.

Jim looked at Wendy.

"She gets it from her mother."

Wendy was perfectly fine with that explanation. Having known Melody as a baby, she wasn't surprised by the spontaneous dancing.

But Michaleen was horrified.

Earlier that morning, Michaleen had a very important conversation with his father: Peter had challenged Michaleen to make one new friend.

Now, Peter thought the world of Michaleen. The little guy was enthusiastic, affectionate, and very perceptive of the people around him. He noticed everything and remembered small details, whether that be a superhero attribute or his mother's new hairstyle ("Mommy where's your bow?").

Michaleen was charming, almost charismatic, but his charisma was different than Peter's signature blend of confidence and good looks. 

Michaleen's charisma was accidental, largely because he was so cute. However, no one else could see it, and Peter knew why. Michaleen's true disability wasn't his braces. It was his crippling shyness. 

So, Peter sat down his son. He poured them both cereal. And they had a man-to-man talk.

By breakfast's end, Peter had convinced Michaleen to make one new friend at school. It wasn't enough to have imaginary friends, like Shadow. It was good, but not enough.

It was time to stop being shy.

Michaleen agreed to try. He would try to be more outgoing.

But when Michleen saw Melody, he was immediately regretful. This stranger was scary. She was flashy, she was loud, and she was intimidating!

Too polite to runaway (and too cognizant of Peter's gaze from the kitchen table), Michaleen pressed his face into Wendy's thigh.

"Oh Michaleen..." Wendy tried to ease him free. "Darling it's alright. Michaleen? Come now..."

Michaleen shook his head against Wendy's leg. "No Mommmmmyyyy."

Wendy looked contritely towards Jim. 

Jim was utterly entrance.

Oh my god!  He mouthed. SO CUTE.

Wendy nodded excitedly as Melody approached with Elvis and Sarah.

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