Chapter 34: Neverland Misadventures - Peter's Prayer

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Chapter 34: Neverland Misadventures - Peter's Prayer

(When: Approximately 6 Years and 2 Months Ago)

Jim tried everything to keep The Second Star afloat. In the end, his efforts were aborted. The ship crumpled through space like a meteor.

Luckily, Jim aimed them at the Uranus Medical Station.  The trajectory was good enough for a crash landing.

"Peter take Wendy!" Smoke billowed into Jim's eyes as he shouted through molten pixie dust. "Get her inside! Someone will help you, the emergency drones already know we are here! Tell the medics– "

Peter leapt from the ship, Wendy cradled in his arms. Emergency drones (monitors from the medical station) whizzed by as he burst into the receiving area.

"Help!" Peter bellowed, flying blindly. Distantly, the Second Star exploded, but Peter didn't care. Thinking only of Wendy, he accosted the first clinicians he saw. "Help me! My wife, she –"

The clinicians reacted immediately. Before Peter could blink, they swept Wendy onto a hover-gurney and rushed her to the Emergency Room.

Peter was taken aback by their preparedness. The clinicians erupted into a rapid dialogue, but Peter had no idea what they were saying. There were too many medical terms, too many urgent conversations flying over Wendy's body. 

"Page surgery," ordered one clinician, "Tell them we're coming with a female humanoid on the hover-gurney."

"She's unconscious –"

"—likely secondary to blood loss. Here—" A translucent blue chip was stuck into Wendy's neck. Numbers scrolled across the glowing screen.

"H and H is critically low –" the clinician read, voice peaking, "O2 stats are 85 percent and dropping, I'm giving her oxygen now."

"Blood pressure is also dropping," barked another clinician, reading a probe on Wendy's arm, "Heart rate is 46 beats per second—"

"I'm feeling abdominal distention –" A clinician palpated Wendy's stomach. Frowning, he removed the remnants of her nightgown.


The clinicians cringed. Wendy's stomach was red and swollen, draining heavily at the incision. The swelling had stretched apart Silver's stitches, exposing raw viscera inside.

The clinicians increased speed.

"She's bleeding internally! There's been some sort of internal trauma."

"Looks like a laceration."

"God I see placenta -- she was pregnant!"

"Those stitches will have to be undone."

"Call the specialist."

"Vitals are still low!"

"She's not responding to oxygen!"

"We are flat lining here!"

"Will she make it?"

"It'll take a miracle."

The team pivoted through two sliding doors, each labeled OPERATING ROOM. 

"Surgery is waiting and Baymax is on standby!" The clinicians raced through the doorway.  "Entering the OR now!"

The walls within the OR were brilliantly lit, but Peter felt a slight sting as he approached. The sting was coming from the air. Unbeknownst to Peter, the air had been treated with antibacterial spray (meant to sterilize the environment), and the spray caused the sting. It startled Peter long enough for him to pause, and the clinicians to force him out.

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