Chapter 115: Raya and the Last Dragon

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Chapter 115: Raya and the Last Dragon

"Lady Shadow Worker..."

Raya and Namaari were presented as a pair but they struck Wendy as immensely incompatible. 

Other than being Southeast Asian, they had nothing in common.

Raya, the shorter of the two, had thick wavy hair braided down the middle. She wore a khaki newsboy hat and pulsated with pent-up energy. 

Namaari, the more muscular of the two, had a shaven, asymmetrical haircut. She wore a single gold earring and her energy was strictly harnessed.

Both girls seemed self-assured, but Namaari overstepped Raya with the prowess of a leopard.

"Relax Dep la." Facing Wendy, Namaari hissed at Raya from the corner of her mouth. "Show some respect. Ehhh hemm...."

Making a circle with her hands, Namaari drew it to her forehead.  She bowed to Wendy.

"Lady Shadow name is Namaari Fang. I am a shadow worker anthropologist. I come from Kumandra, the eastern region of Southern Sector. I have been waiting for you with artifacts that my mother Virana – "

"It was my idea to find Sisu!" Raya blurted.

Wendy blinked, but before she could speak, Namaari rounded on Raya. 

"Your idea was nothing without my relic!"

Raya feigned remorse. "Oh I'm sorry! You mean your stolen relic?"

"You would know – you were the thief!"

"You were my accomplice!"

"I had no choice."

"Oh please. You wanted to smuggle it out of Kumandra. I'm just the one that pulled the trigger!"

"And you sentenced us to the gallows! We are outlaws Raya and it's all your fault!"

"I repeat – you were my willing accomplice!"

"Guys!" Hiccup barked, prompting a plasma blast from Toothless. "Seriously! We talked about this – like multiple times!" 

He turned to Wendy. "Wendy I am sorry. I wish I could tell you that this doesn't usually happen but these two knuckle heads – "

Wendy lifted a hand. Looking at Namaari she asked, "I'm sorry...did you say shadow worker anthropologist? And..."

She tilted her head at Raya. "Who is Sisu?"

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

While Wendy managed tempers at Big B.E.N., Peter was preparing to lose his.

"Oh flowers? For me?" In a manner he hoped was threatening, Peter jumped through the window. "Terrance you shouldn't have."

The moment Terrance saw Peter he lifted both arms. His feather-duster hovered protectively over the pixie dust flowers.

"" Weakly, he cleared his throat. "Welcome back."

The greeting couldn't have been more insincere, and Peter was in no mood for pointless banter.

"I thought this was Wendy's loft." he snarled.

"It is." Terrance said. "I was just – "

" Playing housekeeper? Aw what a sweetheart you are. Can I play too?" Peter made a move, intent on chucking the flowers out the window. "Let's start by sweeping these up."

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