Chapter 5: Neverland Misadventures - The Vitamin Sea

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Chapter 5: Neverland Misadventures – The Vitamin Sea

When: 18 Years Ago

"What do you mean you got married?!"

Wendy was furious. Jim and Ariel had a secret wedding and SHE hadn't been invited! Her best friend in the ENTIRE universe had married the WOMAN OF HIS DREAMS (who, by the way, was carrying HIS CHILD) and now the magical moment was GONE!

Bad form Jim Hawkins. Bad form.

"Okay." Jim rubbed his forehead. He tried to ignore Peter, Silver, and Morph as they snickered at his misfortune. "First of all, don't freak."

"Don't --?" Wendy almost couldn't speak. "Did you actually just say that to me? Well let me tell you something James Pleiades Hawkins –"

Almost couldn't speak. 

Wendy was mad. And when Wendy got mad, it was best to let her vent. She was a prissy little thing: easy to rile up, hard to calm down, and every emotion was tied to her mouth.

Yep. Jim was in for a long, one-sided argument.

"Unbelievable!" Wendy scoffed (for the third time). She assessed Jim a moment, then repeated it for the forth. "Un-be-lievable! You are married! Married! I can't believe that you didn't tell me! I can't believe you didn't invite me! I can't believe you! James Hawkins: what sort of friend gets married in secret?"

"A best friend?"


"Wendy of course I wanted you there! But Admiral Triton just showed up, read the wedding vows, and married us! There wasn't time to contact you! Besides –" Jim motioned at Peter. "I thought you were a little busy with – oh I dunno – your husband?! Doing whatever the hell you were doing Skyworld?"

Peter cat-called. Wendy let it slide. She hounded Jim instead.

"Ariel is pregnant! You are going to be a father!" Wendy referred back to the 'hell' comment. She'd been condemning Jim's profanity for years. "When will you learn to mind your language?"

"Maybe when someone stops blaming me for something I didn't do!"

I am blaming you for something you didn't do! You didn't invite me to your wedding!"

"It wasn't a wedding!"

"It certainly was!"

"No it was a marriage! A marriage is two people. A wedding is two families. I'm sorry Wendy but in the six seconds Admiral Triton gave us to marry, there wasn't enough time to send out gold foil wedding invitations!"

"Clearly because I didn't receive one!"

"You've got a lot of nerve getting on my case about this! Remember your six year secret engagement?"

"That was different!"

"You're right, it was worse!"

"Jim you are trying me!"

"Wendy you are being a pain in the a– "


Silver chuckled. The guardians had four of the strongest personalities he'd ever met. How King Arthur expected them to explore Neverland without killing each other was beyond him – but Silver was sure it was going to be fun!

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