Chapter 60: Meeting Gwen

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Chapter 60: Meeting Gwen

Gwen was wildly confused. But she had to say something.

So she answered Aelius' question. 

"Gwen," she stammered. "My name is Gwen."

Jak waited, as if he expected her to say more. 

When she didn't, Titania took the opportunity to sneer.

"First you can't stop talking and now you can't talk enough?" she sauntered to the front. "What's your full name?"

Gwen felt her cheeks burning bright red.

"Gwendolyn," she answered, "Gwendolyn Mary Moria Pan."

Titania grimaced.  "I meant your first and last name only, Pigtail."

Gwen clenched her fists. Her braids suddenly felt like they were made of chains. 

Name-calling was part of military culture, but Gwen found the practice juvenile. Yes she wore her hair in braids. Yes they were technically pigtails. No, Gwen didn't see the hilarity (let along creativity) of calling her Pigtail.

"Sorry." Gwen unclenched her hands. She smoothed them against her hips. "I was just trying to obey orders."

Titania laughed. "I find that hard to believe. You weren't obeying orders when you were talking during role, were you?"


"So why are orders so important now, Pigtail?"

Gwen's temper sparked. "Probably because I got caught and now you're being unnecessarily boorish. Mum," she finished as a semi-respectful afterthought.

Titania was taken aback. "How dare you," she hissed. "How dare you speak to a military officer that way."

"Agreed!" sang Aelius, "How dare you not grovel in the presence of such majesty! Master Sergeant Triton, I say we shoot off her head!"

"Jak."  Titania swiped Jak's arm. In the same motion, she pointed at Gwen. "Disqualify her! She has no right running this race!"

Gwen's insides lurched. "But if I don't run, I won't meet this CFT's criteria. Admiral Triton said those that don't qualify will be dropped from the military program. I'll have to reapply next semester!"

"Well you should have thought of that before, Pigtail!"

"But I –"

"Tough shit!" Titania gave Jak another  swipe, "Get rid of her Jak! Tell this pathetic assfuck  to get out!"

Gwen almost reprimanded Titania's language. However, since her entire future was now at the mercy of the military officers, she merely looked at Jak. 

The onlookers were also awaiting Jak's response. An exciting hum filled the silence. Super Smarty Pants Gwen Pan was about to flunk out of the military program! Bring on the gossip!

But Jak reacted impassively.

"You say disqualify her, but on what grounds?" he asked Titania. 

"On what grounds?" Titania marched around Gwen as she spoke. "Disrespect to a superior officer, blatant disregard for orders, and dress code violation!" 

She flicked one of Gwen's braids, "Hair should never hang below the neck line, Pigtail."

Gwen looked incredulously at Ping. Ping pointed woefully to his bun. "It's true."

Jak straightened his sleeve where Titania had touched it. 

"Miss Pan," he said, "What school do you attend?"

"Fantasia University." Gwen answered miserably.

"And your occupational specialty?"

"Academic major, military minor." Halfheartedly she added, "My academic major is medical specialist."

Jak seemed impressed. "You want to be a doctor?"

"Yes, sir."

"That's hard work. Large time commitment."

"Yes, sir."

"Yet you also have a military minor. Which is also a large time commitment." Jak nodded sideways at Ping. "Are you only doing this for your parents, like your friend?"

Of all the frustrating comments, this one surprisingly upset Gwen the most. Drawing herself upright, Gwen looked Jak straight in the eye.

"Quite the opposite sir," she announced harshly. "I do nothing for my parents' sake."

Jak held her gaze. "Then why do you do it?"

Gwen remembered a horrible childhood memory. It was the memory of her mother becoming a monster. It was the memory of her mother hurting her. It was the memory that still gave her nightmares.

But, it was also the memory that motivated her everyday to be smarter and stronger.

Gwen shivered. She pushed the memory away. "I have an academic major and military minor because I want the power to heal and hurt. And I don't want others to hold that power over me."

Every eyebrow went up. Even Titania's. Drake looked like he wanted to give her a fist bump.

"And that..." Ping murmured under his breath, " the power of balance. Hurt versus heal. Heal versus hurt. Nice job Gwen, way to go out with a bang."

Gwen was too emotionally charged to speak. Moreover, Titania was giving her a death stare. It was better to stay quiet. Nodding curtly to Ping, Gwen waited for Jak's verdict.

Jak slid the clipboard under his arm. "Well said cadet. But are your actions as strong as your words?"

Gwen was perplexed, but Jak explained his meaning as he strode away.

"Officer Bell, I have a compromise. If Miss Pan wins the race, she can stay in the program. Her transgression are minor, but I want to see how fast she can go...And if she can beat my record."

Jak took a pistol from his belt. " At the ready cadets! On your mark – get set –"

The pistol blew.

Gwen stumbled, unprepared for the start. But she swore Jak smiled as she sprinted after her classmates.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 

sultal's note:

New Gen Disney Characters:

1. Jon Pleiades Hawkins (Jak Triton) - age 18 - JimxAriel

2. Gwendolyn Mary Moria Pan - age 15 - PeterxWendy

3. Branwyn ("Bran")Pendragon - age 15 - ArthurxAmalthea

4. Fa Ping ("Ping")- age 15 - MulanxShang

5. Loch Dunbroch-Hood - age 15 - RobinxMerida

6. Ness ("Nessie")Dunbroch-Hood - age 15 - RobinxMerida

7. Titania Bell - age 18 - Tinkerbell x Terrance

8. Aelius Fitzherbert - age 18 - Flynn x Rapunzel

9. Drake Dogwood Deathbite II - age 16 - HiccupxAstrid

10. Electra the Undertaker - age 15 - HiccupxAstrid

11. Aqua, Laguna, Hyrda, Orca, Marella, Marilla – ages 16,15,14 – Arista x Eric

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