I saved her life

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Kian and I ran out of the car and up the brick steps to the front door. We rang the doorbell and waited like a mintue till Shawn answered the door.                                                                                                           "Connor,Kian what are you doing here?",asked Shawn.                                                                                "Wheres Whitney!",yelled Kian.                                                                                                                    "Come in...",said Shawn.                                                                                                                                Kian and I walked in to see Whitney laying on Shawns living room couch. I ran to her side to see she had dried up blood all over her chest and dried alcohol all over her. I ran my fingers threw her hair and kissed her forehead.I stood up and looked Shawn in the eyes glaring at him. He knew what was coming.  "Why is she here!"                                                                                                                                          "Listen, I have no idea what happened to her, I was walking down an alley that crossed over to Rodeo dr with Jack. I had to make a phone call so he went ahead and I made my phone call. After the call was done I went to throw away a peice of trash. It looked like she was dead. She was lieing in there. I picked her up and she wasnt dead. Someone left her there to die. She might of if I hadnt of shown up",explained Shawn.                                                                                                                                                             "Thank youShawn, for saving my girlfriend". Kian went to her side and started to shake her. When he had a shocked look on his face. He lifted up her wrist to see burn marks and scabbed over stab wound."Holy Shit guys,She needs to wake up now!",said Kian.                                                                                                                                        "I know what to do",said Shawn.                                                                                                                      Shawn left the room for about a mintue. When he came back he had a black case in his hand.                                                                 "What the hell is that"                                                                                "Back in Canada,I took a medical course because my sister had a really bad disease. Anyways I have a siringe and some Cafine amediya. It basicly wakes you up when it gets in your system. It wont hurt her,she just wont be able to sleep for two days",said Shawn.                                                           He grabbed her arm and inserted the needle into the course of her veins.                                                "She will awake any minute now",said Shawn.                                                                                         All a sudden her eyes fluttered and she sat up. "Connor,you have no idea how bad they hurt me",said Whitney.                                                                                                                                                     "What happened,We already know about starbucks",said Kian.                                                               I got away and got into my car but they just smashed the glass and grabbed me. They shoved me in there car and just drove away to this weird abandoned house. There was alot of guys there and they were all standing around me. I had no where to run,no strength to scream. They started auntioning me off. Someone paid 7,000 dollars for me but all he wanted to do was hurt me.",said Whitney.           "Its ok babe,I am here now"                                                                                                                       "How did you guys find me,In that dumpster",said Whitney.                                                                     "I saved your life",said Shawn.                                                                                                                  All whitney could do was hug shawn. She wrapped her arms around him so tight. She kissed his cheek and kept hugging him. She pulled away and started to cry. Her head in her hands and Shawns arms around her.                                                                                                                                        "I dont know what to say",said Whitney.                                                                                                   "You dont have to say anything,Whitney your ok and thats all that matters to me",said Shawn.              "Heres my number,text me so I can repay you",said Whitney.                                                                  "You dont need to repay me but I will take your number anyways",said Shawn as they laughed.           "babe we should get going,the three of us"                                                                                               "Ok" Whitney,Kian and I stood up and were about to leave,when Whitney turned around and jumped into Shawns arms. "Thankyou",she said as she jumped down and walked out.                                                      

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