Chapter 46

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Hazel's POV

"Kill me," I turned back towards my mum.

"No," she whispered as she shook her head. "Please, I love you. Don't do this. Whatever it is, I will help you get through it. Is it Derek?"

My eyes fell on Damon who made eye contact with me too, for once, his eyes softened but he quickly looked away.

"Derek is fine and we are living happily. Last thing we need is for you to show up and for you to ruin our life again. We are leaving in a couple weeks anyway. Will be better the less we see each other," I lied. If she wasn't going to kill me then I was just gonna have to find another way. I turned away from Jenna whose eyes were tearing up badly but I couldn't do anything. It's better if she stays away. Her just being in my life would give me too much hope that everything would go back to normal. I heard my mum's sobs and it was harder to deal with it knowing I had caused them.

I passed by Damon who stood in the doorway awkwardly. Suddenly, I felt a grip on my hand making me stop. I knew who it was so I pulled at my wrist hard to tell him to let go but he didn't. His grip was hard. I clenched my jaw so my face seemed emotionless and turned around.

Damon pulled hard at my wrist making me pressed up against his body. My breathing quickened by the second as he took steps forward, getting even closer to me which didn't seem to be too good for my health.

It was dark around and the walls were black too- not because they were painted black, they were just very dirty. Automatically, I took steps back but it was only two steps that my back was pressed against the wall on the bottom step- between the step and the doorway.

For a second, the world faded away but I soon came back to reality. My broken heart breaking even more at the sound of my mum's cries.

"How dare you bring tears into Jenna's eyes!" He growled, pressing my body hard against the wall. "Stop being so selfish, she's your mum!" I felt numb, tears refused to come out and I felt completely alone. Of course he was going to take her side, no one cares for what I felt, especially Damon. I mean why would he care anyways.

"I'm sorry," I apologised. Confusion crossed his features- definitely wasn't what he was expecting. "I'm sorry for coming in your way, I'm sorry that Harry made you promise that you wouldn't kill me. But I am telling you now, I give you permission to kill me. KILL ME!" I spoke with a straight face.

"What?" He whispered more to himself. "I'm not going to do that. Hazel are you crazy?" He spat. I pushed him back a little and got out of his grip.

"If you are not gonna kill me, I'll find a way to do it myself."

I knew exactly where I needed to go. If someone wasn't going to kill me, then I was just going to do it myself.

I felt Damon grab my wrist again, he pulled me back harshly and my body collided with the wall.

" going?" Damon have emphasis to each of them words.

"DAMON! You are not my boyfriend!" I sucked in a breath. "You don't get to ask me where I'm going or what I'm doing or why I'm doing it!" I pushed him back with all my strength. "We," I gestured between us two. "Are enemies, I can't deal with this life Damon. This life is too much for me. I can't anymore, everything is going downhill!" I ranted. "Plus, wouldn't it be easier for your gang to win if I wasn't there?" I let out a breath of air and closed my eyes.

It's not like he can help you Hazel, just leave. Who is he to you that you can rant to? With that thought, I turned around and ran back up the stairs, leaving the warehouse grounds.

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