Chapter 5

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Hazel's POV

I woke up with the worst hangover ever. The palms of my hands pressed against my forehead with my eyes closed. My lips were parted slightly and my hair was really wild. It had been round about ten minutes of me sitting on my bed in this position but it felt like it had been thirty minutes.

"Rise and shinneeeee, sleepyhead!" Alice sung. A sharp pain shot through my head.

"Stop being so fucking loud!" I snapped. I groaned as the pain was just getting worse. I felt a light tap on my right shoulder making me look up. Alice stood with a glass of water and a rectangular tablet which I'm guessing is an Advil.

I happily snatched it from her hands and gulped it down, immediately feeling hella better.

"So about yesterday which I'm guessing you definitely don't remember," she started.

"Ding ding ding, correct!" I spoke with the most least enthusiasm.

"You did something hella stupid, you told Damon that we were in a stupid gang you dummy, I told him it was your fantasy but I'm not sure if he one hundred percent believed it. Now somehow you need to make him suspect us less," she finished. I thought about it. Why are you so stupid Hazel? Maybe I should just stop getting drunk since I just can't control my fucking mouth.

"Urghhhh Fine, I'll deal with it soon or let's just hope that he has forgotten about it and anyway, if he does tell the police, they will check our houses and find nothing so yeah," I assure her. "So has anyone else woken up yet?"

"Nope, just you and me, sleepyhead, it's one pm and we are late for university," she informs. My head shoots up at her.

"Fuck," I muttered, jumping out of my bed, I ran into the bathroom, just gargling some water and spitting it out. I looked down at my clothes, just a large t-shirt. I ran back into my room , grabbing a pair of black leggings. I lifted up my shirt and tied it to the side to make it look more fashionable. I flipped my head upside down and back up, so my hair wasn't too flat.

I picked up a red bag, we forgot to collect our other bags from yesterday, let's just hope our guns are still there and no one found it. I shoved some books inside, not having my pencil case which I had left in my black and white striped bag. I swung it over my shoulder and we were out of the door.

We jumped into Alice's car this time. She drove awfully slow which really frustrated me.


We made it to school by 1:23 pm, it was lunch time so everyone was getting lunch. I was happy since I didn't get any breakfast, at least I can have lunch. She parked the car, nearest to the gate which was really far from school, that was the only space that was really left.

We strolled up the car park, towards the diner. Opening the door, we were slapped with loud voices speaking everywhere. We scanned the place and I saw Eliza in the distance. We walked over to the table and sat down with the rest too.

"Hey guys," I say sluggishly.

"Hey gurlll where you been?"Allie asked.

"Urr woke up late," I answered. "I'm going to get food." I got out of my seat which was right on the end of the table. I got in line was wasn't really huge today, surprisingly. I was able to get to the front pretty soon. I picked up a glass full of orange juice and a sandwich. I then walked back to my table to see that Damon and Harry were there conversing with the other girls.

I cleared my throat and sat back down, the attention was on me now for some reason, everyone's heads looking in my direction.

"Continue," I said without looking at them. The conversation continued again.

"Yah we should totally do that," I heard Annabelle say. "You down Hazel?"

"I'm sorry what?" I asked.

"Camping, your cousin is coming, it's gonna be me and my boyfriend, you, Eliza and her boyfriend, Annabelle and her boyfriend, Damon, Alice and her boyfriend, " Allie explained. I gave Eliza a weird look.

"Eliza? Sleeping in the forest floor? Oh please," I chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm going to give it a try," Eliza nodded. I felt like my eyes were going to fall out of their sockets.

"You what!" I screeched. "Fine, I'm not coming though."

"You scared?" Damon teased, I glared at him.

"No." I replied.

"Awww, livell Havel is scarved," he teased in the most annoying baby voice that you would probably use to talk to a damn baby.

"Of course not."

"Ur a scaredy cattt," Damon mimicked being scared.

"FINE! I'll come!" I agreed. Everyone laughed and I mentally shot Damon. It's not that I'm scared, I'm suppose to be on a mission and so is Alice. Since when did Alice have a boyfriend? I also noticed that nobody mentioned Harry coming too. I could also see something that scarred me for life.

Harry and Alice HOLDING hands.

"A-Alice? Since when did you have a boyfriend?" I asked, nervously, hoping she is just dragging Harry along.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, me and Harry are dating-" I cut her off,

"YOUR WHAT!" I yelled, some people turning their heads to look at me. "How can you not tell your cousin, something so important?" I spat through gritted teeth.

"Oh well, I'm sorry. Moving on, each couple is going to be sharing a tent so they can have urrr.... privacy." Alice said.

"Guys if you haven't noticed, I don't have a partner," me and Zayn said simultaneously. We looked at each other and then I quickly just broke our eye contact.

"Perfect! You guys can share a tent if you have your own at home then you can bring your own but we only have five tents so you guys don't really have a choice unless you can be bothered to go buy one," Allie smiled. My throat started dry up because of the sandwich. Somebody's hand accidentally knocked the glass of orange juice off the table.

I looked up to see it was Harry's hand.

"Sorry, I'll get you another one," he smiled politely but something was weird, telling me that I should just get it myself.

"No hazza, it's fine, she can get it herself," Alice said, I shot her a look.

"Of course he will get it since he knocked it off the table," I snapped. He nodded, a smirk forming on his lips.

He went away. After a while, he came back with a drink. I gulped down the drink.


"Guys it's almost time for lesson, let's leave," Alice told us.

"Yeah uh, I just need to go to the toilet," I said, feeling a little dizzy for some reason, maybe because I hadn't eaten enough or maybe it's just the stupid hangover I have. My stomach was still rumbling so probably I feel hungry. I rushed for the girls toilet, my eye sight getting blurry for some reason.

I reached for the sink, turning on the water before everything went black...


A.n - I know short chapter but yeah x hope you enjoyed XX


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