Chapter 18

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Hazel's POV

We had travelled back from the lake at round about four pm since we did wake up at twelve pm. I should probably start waking up early, but then again, sleep is just sooo good! Who doesn't love sleep?

We started to make the fire because it was getting close to dinner time and I was famished. John sat down on a stone near the fire pit and started rubbing stone and wood together to create the fire. He sighed, frustrated as it wasn't working.

We all had dispersed to gather wooden sticks for the fire while a couple of us had gone to the river to get water. I bent down to pick up the sticks from the ground, piling them in my left hand while I picked using the right. After a while, I had many sticks in my hands.

"Hey," a familiar voice startled me. I quickly stood up straight and turned around to find Damon casually standing there, his shoulder leaning a little against the tree trunk. He was holding a couple of wooden sticks.

"Oh hi," I reply, turning back around to pick up sticks. It was pretty dark since we were deep in the trees. I just wanted him to leave because it felt scary as to how I feel so protected and safe around his presence but, then again I don't. I want to find out about the weird, mysterious aura around him. Surely he wasn't going to hurt me right?

I shrugged off the feeling since it didn't look like he was leaving any time soon. I pushed myself up and took a step back, trying to look for more sticks when I bumped into a hard chest. Fucking hell! What's with all this bumping in to each other especially Damon.

"I'm sorry," I quickly mumbled.

"It's okay. Well I was thinking about something," he says casually.

"And That is?" I questioned.

"Your fear of deep water," he smirked. "How you clung onto me to save your dear life, that was a fun moment."

My cheeks grew red. "Oh stop, please let that go," I half-smiled, embarrassed. I turned around to face him but immediately regretted it as his body was now pressed to mine, invading my personal space.

"How you basically yelled into my ear about not to tell anyone," his lips curved into a teasing smirk.

"Stoppp! You're embarrassing me!" I whine, hitting him lightly with my arms on his chest but my arms stayed there, not moving from there spot. His arms snaked around my waist like it was natural, like it wasn't out of the ordinary. My breathing quickened slightly.

"How your legs were wrapped around my torso and your arms around my neck," he whispered, the same smirk still there. My cheeks grew even hotter as I buried my face into his shoulder, not wanting him to see how hard I was blushing. What the fuck is happening, I literally never blush.

"You're such an annoying prick," I smiled, pushing him away with all my strength that I had mustered up. "I hate you!"

"You say that now but I know deep down you want to fuck me." My eyes widened, I mean he is right, I wanna fuck him so badly but I know I need to restrain myself so I don't pounce on him right here.

"Oh you wish," was my reply. "I think we have enough sticks, let's go."

We walked back the same way that we got here, the lighting was getting brighter because of the brightly lit fire that John had finally managed to make.

"Finally! Damon we sent you to tell her to come back, took you long enough," Annabelle said.

"Yeah sorry, I couldn't find her," he lied.

"Hmmm," they were not buying it but they let it go for now at least. We added the sticks to the pile and they started boiling water for dinner. I then added water to my noodles which I kinda started to get annoyed of, having it everyday and three times as well.

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