Chapter 19

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Damon's POV

There was something about Hazel that drew me in, something that just made me want to be around her all the time, that's why I volunteered to find her this evening when we were gathering sticks for dinner. I felt like I could open up to her but then I was scared to scare her away. Would she understand?

Of course, anyone who would find out that someone that they know is in a gang, they will distant themselves from that person, I couldn't risk it. I didn't want to. What the fuck am I saying? I wish I could say it was just meaningless sex, meaningless kisses. I'm not usually like this, could I possibly be falling for her?

Of course not, I don't easily fall for people, I can't start to like someone, it will just end up ruining me and Hazel. I'm sure it's just me hallucinating, I'm just thinking this way because she's hot.

Hazel started to stir as I quickly snapped my eyes shut so she doesn't see me. Yes, I had been staring at her beautiful face the whole time I was thinking. After the little exciting event that had happened, I was tired but the worst thing was, we were going out again tomorrow, hooray. I didn't want to be disturbed until at least 2pm tomorrow, we all know I would be though.

I got into a comfortable position, stuffing a pillow in between my legs and inhaled a deep breath, then I let it out. Slowly, I started to fall into a deep slumber, I couldn't explain how tired I was.

I was just about to have my soul taken away by god so I could sleep but I heard a muffled, mumbling noise coming from beside me. My eyebrows knitted together as I mustered up all the strength in me to move from my comfortable position to where the noise was coming from. After groaning and mumbling profanities of all kind, I had finally turned and now was facing Hazel.

I couldn't really make out the words she was saying as it was too muffled by the blanket covering her mouth. I pushed out my arm and reached up to the blanket, pulling it down from her face so I could hear a little better. Curious, I listened carefully as to what she was saying, drawing my ear closer to her soft lips that I had been kissing earlier.

"Sorry, please, mum, dad, I didn't mean to, please come back, I swear I won't do it again," she begged. What did she do? Did her parents leave her? If so why? Is that why her house was so empty when we went? There was barely anyone there except for her brother Derek apparently. "Fine then, if you don't come back, I'll do the worst of the worst!" She practically yelled that, well not exactly, it was like yelling because of the pin-drop silence that surrounded us, in the darkness.

I could just about make out the shape of her face. Suddenly, like If she was scared that someone would hear, she stopped mumbling, the air was filled with silence again. Although I could still hear the crickets chirping if that's what they do and the owls tooting, it was still a queering silence. Without warning, I heard howling, my eyes widened as I got closer to Hazel, as in a manly way to protect her. Okay, I admit, I was scared. You all probably wondering that I'm in a mother fucking Gang, how can I be scared of a simple animal noise.

I hadn't brought my gun with me so if the creature does decide to attack, I'll just have to go with bare hands but I'll have Hazza with me so it's fine, I will be fine because me and Hazza do make a really good team. I closed my eyes again when I didn't hear howling for five minutes, however my body was still tense.

"Don't do this, you have to turn back!" I heard Haze's voice again. Instinctively, I opened my eyes again, sleep had disappeared as now my brain had become extremely confused and curious, what was she talking about?

"Alice? I know, I know, we should turn back, Rodger, he's dangerous! But my legs aren't letting me, they keep pushing me forward!" She groaned. Rodger's dangerous? Then why is she friends with him? Is it just her mind making things up? If Rodger is actually dangerous, I will do whatever I can to protect her, I promise! I shook Hazel slightly and then she shut her mouth again. After a while, I thought she had finally stopped sleep talking, but then, hear she is talking about and me listening intently on what she has to say. "Alice, we've done it, should we be happy?"

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