Chapter 10

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Hazel's POV

I gripped the shiny, jet black tightly in my hand as I kept my hand straight out. I turned around, looking out from behind the tree. I cocked the gun and then I aimed, squinting my eyes slightly and shot, the guy fell right down to the ground, the bullet hit exactly where I wanted it to.

You guys can probably guess where the bullet hit right? The gun had a silencer like all the other times but there was always a slight clicking sound as it shot. I then crept to a another tree, backing against it, my heart beating faster and I was starting to get an adrenaline rush.

I quickly got a charm out and put it on my bracelet, next time I will just count how many I've killed and then add it to my bracelet, the charms were small but my bracelet was starting to get quite full. I then aimed the gun again, at a emo-looking girl.

I pressed my index finger to the trigger and then another clicking sound sounded. But nothing happened. I opened the ammo section to see no bullets were.

Are you fucking kidding, why didn't I thinks about reloading and bringing extra bullets. I groaned lowly, fucking hell.

I dropped my gun onto the floor and stomped on it, my mini tantrum. After the short lived tantrum, I ducked down to the floor, behind the bush. With my hands, I opened the bush a little and peeked out. I saw and foot and wasted no time to grab it and pulled at it.

I slammed my hand over the guy's mouth and took out my knife from my bra. I climbed on top of him, sitting down on his stomach while my legs put weight on his hands. I then slowly and painfully dragged the knife across his neck, him trying to scream out in pain but my hand prevented him from doing so, it was only muffled hums.

His screams soon died down and I climbed off of him. I picked up his gun and checked the ammo, eh it had enough. I then circled the area making close to no noise. My eyes squinted as they looked through the Aimer and then shot but it didn't have a silencer so it had alerted everyone.

Nice going Hazel!

I saw some people charging at me and some hiding. I first dealt with people who were charging at me, gun shots sounding back and forth. One by one, they dropped to the floor, clutching wherever I had hit them, I didn't have enough time to hit them in the middle of their foreheads.

I looked around the area, complete silence. I got out from hiding and started walking around the open area. I got closer to the house, going inside it through the crappy, wooden door. I hid under the table and shot, hoping if anyone was in the basement, they would come up looking for me.

Fortunately, one came up. Unfortunately, when I tried pulling the trigger, no bullets came out, again. I cursed under my breath as I climbed out from under the table but her had went outside to look for me. I threw the gun aside and backed against the wall near the door.

When I heard his footsteps coming back inside, I attacked by punching him square in the jaw. The gun fell out of his grasp and I tried kicking it so it would be out of his reach. A pain shot though my foot as it flew up to my hands, making me jump around, trying to balance on one foot.

"Fuckityy fuck fuck owwww," I whined but soon, I was forced put it back down as I saw the guy getting up. I used my other foot to kick him in his beer belly, I then grasped his shirt pulling him towards me. I turned him around, pushing him onto my lunging knee and smashed my elbow into his back earning a loud cry of pain from him.

Once he was on the ground, don't know, alive or dead, I pretended to dust off my hands by clapping them together, I then pretended to dust off my shoulders, in victory. I turned around strutting towards the stairs.

My smug expression turned into one of horror as I felt someone grab my foot, dragging me down. My head collided with the ground but the impact wasn't enough to make me unconscious. I flipped my body so I could see who did that.

The same guy that I had just beaten up climbed on top of my, my air source was getting cut off as he grabbed onto my neck. He let out a horrible deep chuckle. My hands clasped onto his hands.

"You really thought you could get away? And again? I let you go once but not again!" He growled, in the most disgusting voice that made me want to throw up and right there and then, I remembered that he was the one who had punched me and and said that he might keep me around for a while.

I started coughing as I started pulling his hands off of my neck.

"You May be fatter but I'm stronger," I spat as I held his hands away from my neck and kneed him in his private part. "Awww guess your baby makers aren't gonna work again." I pouted. I pushed him off of me and I climbed on top of him. I repeatedly punched him, his nose began to bleed, he couldn't stay alive because one, he punched me, two, he knows what I look like so he can just tell his leader that I'm the one in the gang.

Bruises visibly began to form on his face, I didn't stop punching until my hands were all bruised and my knuckles were bleeding a little. I put my index finger above his lip to see that he wasn't breathing. Finally!

I staggered off of him and then started going down the steps slowly. I made it all the way down the stairs to see many boxes filled with something but a sack was covering it. I firstly checked everywhere to see if someone was here.

I really hope there is though. Because I need answers. I saw some guy with a gun but his back was facing me, didn't he hear all the commotion upstairs and outside? I crouched down a little but not all the way down to the ground and I crept up to him. Easily, I snatched the gun from his grasp.

"You have one terrible grip," I scolded before I shot his leg. He fell to the ground, screaming in agony. "Tell me who is your gang leader?" He didn't reply, just groaning. "TELL ME NOW!" Nothing. "You Fucking dick, you can either answer now and I can spare your life or I can take you back to my hideout and I can torture the answer outta you," I spat lowly. My fist collided with his jaw.

"I'm not going to tell you anything!" He emphasised the word 'anything.'

"Fine," again my calloused fist hit his jaw, hearing a slight crack. He then started to close his. "No, no, no, stay with me!" I screamed. He then was out. "GOD DAMMIT!" I yelled loudly. I checked if he was breathing and thank god he was.

I took off the sack from the box to see a lot of money, I started filling the sack up.


I had many sacks filled and I think now, I should be going before more people come. I felt something wet on my lip, my finger touched there and pulled away to see blood. Great! -note the sarcasm.

I dragged the many sacks along with the body along with me, ALL the way to the car. Being exhausted was an understatement. It was getting pitch black and there wasn't any street lamps in this area so hooray for me. I dumped them in the back. I sat in the drivers seat and let out an exhausted sigh.

I looked in the rear view mirror.

"Oh don't get blood on my seats," I groaned loudly before beginning to drive back to the hideout...


An. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter x

How was it?

What do you thing is going to happen?

And if you want to ask questions, go right ahead and I will try to answer them as soon as possible xx


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