Chapter 34

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Hazel's POV

"Aced the tests!" Allie threw her right fist in the air. Yes, we had completed our tests but there were a couple more to do which were dispersed throughout the week. The squad walked down together through the halls and guess what? There was news in the Uni, apparently our group is the most intimidating and biggest in the Uni. So, especially when I got into a fight with the stupid ass girl, they are even more scared now.

People normally refer to us as the 'don't mess with that group,' I honestly find it so funny. how can people say that? I'm so nice! Never hurt a poor fly in my life!

"All students report to the the assembly hall immediately," Mr Brian sounds into the intercom. I let out out a groan as Damon intertwines our hands and then pulls me in the direction of the hall. The whole squad follows behind.

"What do they have to tell us now!" Allie groaned.

"I don't know, but have you seen the news?!" Annabelle bought up, and she asked everyone. I never watch the news so I have no clue what goes on over the world, just my life. I shook my head at her.

"I saw it! About the gang's right?" Eliza asked, intrigued. I immediately tensed up, what exactly is on the news?

"You remember when I told you guys about them when we were at the camping trip? It was true, they are heading neck and neck. It's very tense, I think I'm just getting ready to move to a different country before something big goes down!" Allie chuckled.

"Why are you laughing, this is some serious matter!" Caleb explained.

"I don't think it's gonna be that bad," I finally decided to speak up.

"And how do you know that, Lez?" Jordan asked me, suspicion arising in him.

"Have you seen anything big happen so far?" I asked, hoping they won't look too into it. Just then, we pushed open the double doors that led to the assembly hall. Everyone moved out of our way as we went down to the front, I felt like a mother fucking queen. The whole country will be doing that soon when we take over but hopefully I wouldn't be a part of it for too long.

We sat down on the chairs at the front, it was weird that Damon hadn't shared his opinion about it at all. Everyone soon settled in and Mr Brian made his way onto the stage with the microphone.

"Hello everybody," everyone greets him back except from me because it takes effort to even open my mouth. "Lately, if some of you have been watching the news, you may all know about the two rival gangs coming out from hiding. England is becoming a very dangerous place and we need everyone of you to look after yourselves and never go out alone. According to the news, they are very likely to go at war against each other and then take over the country, possibly the whole of UK." I inhaled a deep breath and then exhaled. He was stating facts there. How did they even know about the whole plan?

"We have a clip to show you, a person from one of the gang's was caught on tape but the image wasn't clear at all. The person looks to be a girl and had her back mostly turned towards the camera and she was holding a gun. There were some other people caught on it too. There was a shoot out," everyone gasped, chatters erupting in the groups, including ours. "You do have the right to panic but we are gonna need you all to stay calm right now." Some teacher put the projector down and then started the video of the shoot out that had been caught on tape.

I inhaled sharply.

It was me.

I was shooting and aiming at BlackFire and then I went out from hiding towards Alice. That's where the video got cut off. Whispers erupt again and I couldn't unfreeze. I really hope no one noticed that it was me, that shoot out was when no one had masks on so If I had turned around, I would've been done for. The video stops and then Mr Brian let's out a sigh before going back over to the microphone.

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