Chapter 45

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Hazel's POV

. Then I heard some rattling and then Emily appeared from the other side of the wall. She sat on it, pulling up Jenna up by the arms. "Careful! She's my mother!" I whisper-yelled and her eyes widened in surprise.

She mouthed 'what' to me as I told her that I'll explain later. We then put her over the wall and then I climbed over too...


I paced back and forth, clenching and unclenching my jaw. Half of me wanting her to be my mother and the other half still refusing. I didn't want her to be my mother, just the thought of her leaving my family and faking her death too. If she's alive, does that mean dad is too?

"Sit down, Hazel. I'm sure she isn't your mum. She just happens to look creepily alike," Emily sort of assured me. I pulled at my hair in frustration as I sat down next to her on the couch. We were at a warehouse that we didn't use anymore. I don't know why I didn't take her to the hideout. For some reason, I wanted to keep it a secret even though we could get a lot of information out of her.

"What am I going to do if she turns out to be my mum?" I asked, a tear slipping down my cheek. Emily wiped my tear away with her sleeve. My knee started bouncing up and down again as I started stressing... once again.

"I'm sure we can both keep a secret," she nodded at me making me nod back at her.

"She's awake," came a deep voice. I looked up to see one of the guards. I placed two guards in front of her door to make sure she didn't try and escape. With that, he turned around and went back through the hallway, probably to guard the door again.

I looked over at Emily and she nodded at me again. We both got off the couch and went through the hallway and down the creaking stairs- to the basement. There, two of our guards stood, guarding the door.

"Thank you for your work gentleman," Emily spoke and in one work movement, she got her gun out and fired two bullets. I sucked in a breath as I watched their bodies fall limply to the dark wood floor.

"Wh-what? You just killed them? Why!?" I asked in shock.

"I don't think you are thinking properly right now. They are some loyal dogs, as soon as they get back to the hideout, they won't miss a chance to report back to Rodger." She explained. "Normally, this idea would be coming from you. Since when are you afraid to kill?"

"I'm not," I denied. "I'm just... nervous."

"Okay then," she let out a deep sigh. "I'm going back to the hideout now. If you need me, call me," She gestured with her hand and then took a couple of steps back. Then she turned away and left. I took in a deep breath before jumping over the dead bodies and going over to the door. I twisted the door handle and it creaked open.

"Whatever you want, you are not gonna get so might as well give up now," Jenna spoke as she let out a sigh. She didn't turn around in the chair she was strapped to, to look at me.

"Oh I will get everything I want." I answered, truthfully. I circled the chair and stood in front of her, finally taking in her appearance. Not a single scratch on her face, just as I had ordered them to. This also gave her the chance to look at me for the first time.

"Well, you look oddly familiar," She commented. I let out a bitter laugh as I grabbed a chair from another close table and swung it so it was in front of her. Sitting down, I tucked a loose strand away from my face.

"I'm glad I do at least look familiar to you," I framed on a sickly sweet smile. "Wanna have any guesses?" I pouted.

"Whoever you are, my son will probably be close to finding me by now. Everyone is probably alerted that I am gone," she told me, no panic evident in her voice.

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