Chapter 25

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Hazel's POV

"Don't you think like there's barely any action here, its so slowwww," Damon looked at the dance floor as he said those words. I looked around, what Damon said was true, even the people walking were so slow, all the girls basically had puffed up dresses like it was the nineteenth century all over again.

I smirked as I got up and off my seat, I seductively walked over to Damon making sure all of his attention was on me. I bent down to his level since he was sitting down and grew closer to his face. Our lips were barely even a centimetre away, my heart beating extremely fast, oh god why does he effect me like this?

"Tag," I whispered, slightly pushing at his shoulder before pulling back up and running. Once I got to the stairs, I quickly kicked off my heels because it was too hard to run in them. I gripped onto the pillar and then onto the stair railing, running down it. I passed some ladies who were very judgmental and began talking shit about me.

How I was very 'unladylike.' Maybe we should just send them to the nineteenth century because that's where they actually belong. I looked behind me to see Damon was running after me, at a fast pace at that too. I quickly calculated in my head that if I continue down the stairs, he would easily catch up with me so I did something that he would never expect.

I climbed over the railing and then jumped. I was waiting to be met with the ground but I was met with a body of a woman.

"Oh my goodness!" The woman screamed as I fell on top of her, by now, I had the attention of basically everyone in the hall.

"Sorryyyyy!" I yelled as I pushed myself back up and started running again, swerving through people- men, woman and even children. Who the hell brings children to these things? I turned my head to see whereabouts Damon was. He wasn't too far but far enough for me to take a quick breather.

I laughed as I continued running, I stopped behind a group of ladies and gentlemen sitting in chairs, this dress was really getting in the way! Damon came to a stop in front of the lady on the chair that I was standing behind. I think she was the lady that greeted us.

"You guys are a disgrace!" The lady screamed. I tried tricking Damon by pretending to go one way and then turning to the other but he knew the trick too well so we were still stuck in the same position.

"We'll take that as a compliment miss," Damon snorted. "My wife here loves it when I chase after her." He glanced at the lady and I took this as my chance to run again, I pushed off the lady's chair to give me speed but by the amount of force I did it with, the lady's chair went falling to the side with her on it.

My eyes widened and I stopped running, Damon was still running at full speed, making him crash into me and then we all know which position we ended up in. Him on top of me. Not that I'm complaining. He wasn't putting any of his body weight on me, he was planking on top of me.

"Tag!" He pecked my forehead since he wasn't able to touch me with his hand because they were currently busy holding him up. I was about to tag him back but he speedily pushed himself back up, running away. I was smiling like a fucking idiotic psychopath. I got off the ground, running after him again. I had to go between a couple that were holding glasses of champagne, all their drinks fell over me making me all soaking wet.

I was so close to Damon, he was just about a metre in front of me. Suddenly, he came to a halt making me crash into him again but this time, I didn't loose my balance. He fucking went flying onto the refreshment table in front of us.

"FUCK!" I screamed, dying with laughter as I doubled over. Tears in my eyes at how much I had been laughing. I stopped laughing and went out to help a dying-of-laughter Damon up. He was soaked as well now, drenched in champagne and crumbs of biscuits. I lent my hand forward and he wrapped his large ass hands around mine.

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