Chapter 51- How to destroy a cult

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I've got nothing to say... Just read on my friend. (or acquaintance, your choice) 

Chapter 51

Aria's POV

I sat at Atlas' desk, staring at the map, left there from when I had been kidnapped. It was the middle of the night, but I couldn't sleep, so I went to make a plan.

How to destroy a cult.

Maybe I should type it into wikihow, see what comes up.

(A/N I actually did it, it only told me how to join one, how to recognise one, and how to start one.... Soooo who wants to join my cult??)

Anyway, safe to say I had no idea how to destroy them, other than killing them all, or putting them all on a massive bonfire....

Lucy and I had come up with a plan, but not a full one, we still needed to know their numbers, and what they were planning for their next move.

I threw my head back in defeat, I didn't even know the size of the cult.

I didn't know what weapons they had at their disposal.

I knew nothing about them.

"You look like you need some help," Lucy said, suddenly appearing next to me.

"Lucy," I gasped, clutching my heart, "Where have you been?"

I hadn't seen her since yesterday, she just traversed away, leaving me with my family.

"While you have been reconnecting with your family, I've been reconnecting with my own," I just stared at her, waiting for her to continue.

"And....," I prompted, she looked like a cat who had got the cream, only not a cat, and there was no cream.... So more like a Fae who had something to spill. "Spill."

She flashed me a smirk, "Well, my younger sister, Leah, is great at surveillance, so a few weeks ago I got her to follow your father and his cult, and to report back to me."

"What did she find?" I asked impatiently.

"What didn't she find," She answered, "She knows their location, their numbers, even what time the guards take a toilet break, every. Single. Day."

I just stared at her, "How does she knew all that?"I asked with a gasp.

"My sister is very persistent, give her someone to watch, soon she will know absolutely everything about that person."

I nodded, "Cool, so what did she find?" Before she could answer I quickly added, "The short and concise version, it's 3 AM, I don't have the energy, for anything actually."

She laughed before answering, "There are about 100 rogues left, give or take a few, with no leader they've fallen to anarchy, they are uncontrollable, but that makes them disorganised, an advantage for us,"

I nodded, "So it wouldn't be too hard to defeat them, as long as we strike soon, and we make sure not to leave any standing." I yawned out.

"That's the jist of it, I'll tell you the rest in the morning, when your not going to fall asleep on me," and with that, she was gone, and I was alone in the office once again.

It was once I was alone that sleep finally caught up to me.

I yawned again, nearly falling asleep in the chair where I sat.

Then I did fall asleep in the chair where I sat.


"Aria, Ari, babe wake up," I woke up to Forest, shaking me slightly, "Are you awake now?" He asked with a grin.

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